Thanks guys
I have been useing screamin eagle comp releases for three years now no problems yet. but i always ride hard so no carbon in my mot ...
Technology is crazy but it makes sense, the update comes from a HD website to the VCI and the VCI needs power to function so it ...
clean with warm soapy water & use a low pressure hose to rinse (inside out) , no oil required like the K&N . leave out to dry ...
Thats scary ,lol i just posted the near exact same message when i went back to the forum there was yours I have a SEST on F ...
Krash is bang on with his explanation. All these fancied fandangled plugs like screaming chook and splitfire's etc are there to ...
Ive fitted 11" Shocks on the Back of a 95 and found no problems with the handling , It rides geat but If your going that low ,forg ...
the standard SE hi flo doesnt have a normal backing plate the chrome front cover mounts to the filter so the whole back half is op ...
hi. the andrews 26H will go in with-out pulling the heads, the cam is not that hot the timings are s ...
For all you speed demons who havn't seen this on fleabay. A set of heads don't get much cheaper than $180 (at time of pos ...
Thanx again kiwi. This site never ceases to amaze me with the wealth of info available. it is fantastic. Since posting this i have ...
Took it for a run and checked plugs, as expected they are white (lean) altho the base ring is sooty black which indicates rich so ...
he has it in the shop now getting fixed, will post the outcome when he lets me know ....
Hello Spinner I have a 09 Dyna Super Glide Custom that is fitted with Screaming Eagle high flow air cleaner, Khrome Werks 3 inc ...
As above just cycle thru two ingnitions to either turn on or off
Thanks guys, I thought it might be something like that but it eases my mind to ask
There is a thread on this forum with instructions, I have to find it I used the string with a small nut on the end to thr ...
Ok I had a search but could not find anything close, even on google There are plenty of forward controls that give you extended le ...