other type of fun

  • Hilly
    6 months
    I'd eat it 😁👍
  • obisteve
    6 months
    Me too, looks bloody good Evo
  • Stuart
    6 months
    Quoting evo94 on 22 Sep 2024 11:26 PM

    weekend arvo...bit outa practice - tad too much heat...

    Looks pretty good to me. A bit of gravy and away you go.
  • obisteve
    6 months
    Hey Evo, looking back at your camp oven roast, is that big cloves of purple garlic or quartered beetroot bulbs?
    Either of them would be good.
  • evo94
    6 months
    Quoting obisteve on 25 Sep 2024 11:12 PM

    Hey Evo, looking back at your camp oven roast, is that big cloves of purple garlic or quartered beetroot bulbs?

    Either of them would be good.

    sorry Obi i didnt see your post - yes theyr quartered beetroot, along with spuds, sweet potatoes, carrots & a blade roast !
    was gonna do another but weather is sketchy next couple of days - ha, i then also realised we dont have any roasts left in the freezer anyways.....so stock up at the butchers next week
    we also quite often crank up our lunch over the fire grill with steak, chicken or snaggers...simple stuff but never tire of that magic taste of campfire cooking & the relaxation sitting around a fire brings
  • obisteve
    5 months
    Thanks for clearing that up. Roast beetroot is great, as long as you don't freak out about bowel cancer at the first shit afterwards.
    And yeah, I love camp-fire cooking too, any open fire cooking. Miss the old Crown woodstove I put in my first house at Obi, and the real old griddle pan I had hanging in the fire place.
    I've got a few of the usual cast iron ovens but this is my travelling one, a spun steel Bedourie style one. Fits in the old saddlebags for the Sporty, and in the Vic bagger ones. It's been a lot of places.
  • evo94
    5 months
    wow thats next level stuff - i thought jeez need good saddle bags to carry, but then i recognised those old Kazzmazz - do they even make those wonderful heavy duty bags anymore???... we just have the 9 quart cast iron great size for roasts that last for days in leftovers....learnt to do pizzas and some stews as well, but by no means guns at it.....crikey, open fire place in lounge -  i miss that....cant even fit smallest of woodstoves in our lil cottage here - hence i guess another reason we set up our little campfire outside  - plenty room under the stars...sometimes break out the 8" Dobsonian same time to enjoy those stars on clear nights.....we are indeed lucky when one looks at all that shit news happening overseas eh....
  • obisteve
    5 months
    Yeah, those KazzMazz bags are good, heavy gauge leather with a plastic liner in them to keep the shape. I've had them for about 30 years, occasionally have to stich part of a seam. And KazzMazz seems to have folded, their Web site has disappeared. Anyone in WA know any different?
    So if they're gone, I'd be OK about taking a pattern from the bags for you.
    The spun steel camp ovens aren't heavy though, they were originally made to be carried in a drovers pack saddle for a droving team that wasnt using a bun cart. You don't carry them empty though, I'll carry the flour bag, rolled oats, cooking oil, powdered milk, rice, and when I was killing my own beef and salting some of it into traditional salt beef that keeps for a month at room temp there would be a chunk of that in there too. 
    The 8 inch Dobsonian sounds great, I left a 4" reflector behind when my girl and I rode north from Melbourne on a couple of bikes in 1975, never replaced it. And now they're trying to get Obi Obi recognised as a dark sky area.
  • evo94
    5 months
    awesome post tnx Obi.....
  • obisteve
    26 days ago
    Still not fit enough to be back on duty with my fire brigade, but got permission from up the food chain to stay active as training officer.
    There has been some area boundary changes lately so we're not on the area boundary now, have the Monsildale brigade next in the area to the east, so thought we'd explore a 20km track that might be a shortcut through to help them out if needed.
    Now I've poked along it a bit on the Sporty, but turned back at a creek crossing with a soft sand exit. Dropped it that time. About 8 creek crossings, some gravel, some sand base.
    Got through in the 7 tonne fire truck, but got it stuck in loose sand for an hour when the back end slid sideways into a washout.
    Had to dump the 1000 litres of water out to have any hope of getting out. A couple of blokes coming through the other way on trailies stopped and helped us for a bit. Thanks fellas.
    PB, it's a nice bit of wild country in there, Louisavale Rd through to Monsildale Ck rd, the GS would power through nicely.
    Going back in there with the Sporty when a bit stronger.

  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    26 days ago
    Done a bit of home brewing in the past and have slipped back into it due to a bumper blackberry year in surrounding areas.
    Have got 25 litres of blackberry sparkling wine on the go atm.

  • paulybronco
    26 days ago
    Quoting obisteve on 02 Mar 2025 10:41 AMedited: 02 Mar 2025 10:49 AM

    Still not fit enough to be back on duty with my fire brigade, but got permission from up the food chain to stay active as training officer.

    There has been some area boundary changes lately so we're not on the area boundary now, have the Monsildale brigade next in the area to the east, so thought we'd explore a 20km track that might be a shortcut through to help them out if needed.
    Now I've poked along it a bit on the Sporty, but turned back at a creek crossing with a soft sand exit. Dropped it that time. About 8 creek crossings, some gravel, some sand base.
    Got through in the 7 tonne fire truck, but got it stuck in loose sand for an hour when the back end slid sideways into a washout.
    Had to dump the 1000 litres of water out to have any hope of getting out. A couple of blokes coming through the other way on trailies stopped and helped us for a bit. Thanks fellas.
    PB, it's a nice bit of wild country in there, Louisavale Rd through to Monsildale Ck rd, the GS would power through nicely.
    Going back in there with the Sporty when a bit stronger.

    Cheers Steve sooking out at the moment with gout...left big toe, yes the one we bend to change gears. Will keep it in mind and sure to let you know and buy you a coffee if it suits. 
  • tussuck
    25 days ago
    Missus is into cheese making and makes a wicked chilli cheese (using my Carolina Reapers).  Bloody nice!
    Then I smoke the odd block as well (bought a Smokai unit from good old NZ - bloody awesome bit of gear)
  • beaglebasher
    25 days ago
    Quoting Far Canal on 02 Mar 2025 10:51 AM

    Done a bit of home brewing in the past and have slipped back into it due to a bumper blackberry year in surrounding areas.

    Have got 25 litres of blackberry sparkling wine on the go atm.

    What sort of alcohol percentage do you aim for FC ?
    A mate used to make his own wine and we overindulged one time on a particularly potent brew, he reckoned it was up around the 20% mark.
    I woke up the next day with a hangover that would have killed a black dog.
  • obisteve
    6 days ago
    Nice view out over the Brisbane River. Only about 4 kms from home, I've rebuilt capacity up to 8kms now, could only manage 5 when I restarted. That got me to the local cemetery as a turnaround point, which let me look in and tell myself that it was too soon to be checking in there, so up off my arse and push through the pain a bit more.

  • paulybronco
    5 days ago
    Well done Steve....keep pushing the klm out.
  • obisteve
    5 days ago
    Thanks mate, the day I'm looking forward to is the one when I decide I can handle 14 kms, which will let me reach the local pub and recover for the return trip with a couple of schooners.
  • paulybronco
    2 days ago
    Saw this and the video today Steve........Quensland Hydro has stated nobody was injured in an incident over the weekend that saw an oversized semi-trailer carrying a demountable cabin become stuck on a dirt road.
    The semi was driving along Sunday Creek Road, between Kenilworth and the Borumba Pumped Hydro workers' camp.
    A noticeable increase in truck movements has been reported around the Jimna, Kenilworth, Kilcoy and Imbil regions in recent weeks after the public feedback window for the Queensland Hydro exploratory works closed on March 14.