Online: fatbat, Hilly

anyone know a decent mechanic around melbourne?

  • russell
    15 years ago

    hey guys im new to the forum..

    i've been having a few problems with my 2000 FXDL.

    there is a vibration, from what i suspect to be either the primary or the gearbox, and a (sort of) whining noise.

    i've had the bike at geelong harley, brunswick harley heaven, and  a mobile mechanic i was pointed towards.


    noone can pin point the problem let alone fix it, but they all have no qualms about charging me a wad of cash everytime.

    so far i heard numerous stories. ranging from brake discs, to of all things a leaky inlet manifold gasket (yes you read right)


    basically im asking if anyone knows a reliable, trustworthy and well priced mechanic that knows their stuff.

    obviously i dont mind paying someone to fix it... but thats the catch. they need to fix it!

  • Harvey
    15 years ago
    Brian from Eastern Big Twin
    Off Scoresby rd Bayswater

  • walka
    15 years ago
    Rick of Rikes Bike's Cannons Creek 5998 7707 or if your in the West, Guuna at Wild Rhino in Geelong 5272 2666
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    15 years ago

    Can't help m8, but as you have taken it to two dealers i think you should go back and tell at least one of them the problem was not fixed.

    don't the garantee there work?


  • russell
    15 years ago
    they have been stuffing around with the front brakes and they told me i had a broken spoke on my rear wheel... they changed the front discs and pads twice.

    its rediculous.

    thanks walka i'll give wild rhino a go
  • houli
    15 years ago

    I work on my own bike, have been for 20+ years, if i didn`t Gunna from wild rhino would be my choice.   

  • harleypinsdownunder
    15 years ago
    Rick of Rikes Bike's Cannons Creek 5998 7707.
    Rick has worked on my bike, and super cool guy, and dont charge an arm or leg
    for the work he does.
    And he does great work, if he cant find out whats wrong no one can.