I have a 95 CV carb off a fatty, can I fit this to my 87 FXSTC? I have noticed that the bolts that hold the air cleaner on to the motor have breathers through the centre of them that are a much larger thread diameter than what is on my 87, which obviously doesnt have a breather going through them. Any ideas welcome, or if its been posted b4 can someone tell me where. Cheers and thanx Burnzi
Thanx kiwi, the CV came with the original intake manifold so I will need to get the retaining rings as this is different to the keihnin set up. Carb was removed from 1995 bike when purchased and fitted with an S&S. Do I just get an adaptor to take my original air filter body or put bushes in the CV air cleaner body and use my original bolts in the heads?
Thanx again kiwi. This site never ceases to amaze me with the wealth of info available. it is fantastic. Since posting this i have taken off the old carb and given it a clean and adjusted the air fuel a 1/4 turn now she is running sweet and will even sit and idle, was very rich and poppin and fartin like crazy, is fitted with a 175 main instead of a 165 (drag pipes?) now in two minds weather to put the CV on. I live near Phillip island so it was a bitch listening to everyone heading to the track while i was knee deep in carb cleaner and assorted parts everywhere. Got to ride to a mates place and watch the race, happy boy!!!