Online: tussuck

VCI update message

  • rockyrob
    15 years ago

    Am trying to use SEST to load new map. Bike connects fine and message comes up saying  a newr version VCI software is available. The check for upgrade button is greyed out when connect to bike but unconnected it upgraded the software on the laptop fine.( assuming that is diffferent than the VCI) when VCI is connected to laptop but not bike it says no update needed. If i try to read from the VCI when connected to the bike the program crashes. It lets me load a new map and confirms reflash was successful but then says map could not be saved to VCI. So  (sorry for the drawn out sentences) did the reflash work? I cant look at the VCI without it crashing to see whay map is there. Short of putting a crap map in seeing how it runs and then putting the correct map in and noticing the difference i wont be able to tell. And thats something i dont want to do in case i get stuck with a crap map .Anyone  had similar issue ? Latest version CD 10

  • rockyrob
    15 years ago
    I think i may have it sussed, ran thru the training dvd at work and it explains a couple of things i were doing wrong i think, will try it when i get home. main thing was the vci had to be connected and powered up to the bike and internet access needs to be available, i was trying to do it connected to the internet but not the bike, and then connected to the bike and not the internet, duh, if it was easy anyone c ould do it :)

  • rockyrob
    15 years ago
    All sorted , updateed VCI with bike and internet connected, map loaded and saved ,all good,
  • rockyrob
    15 years ago

    yep  i  constanly surprise myself :)


  • speedzter
    15 years ago

    That sounds a bit crazy that you have to have your PC / internet / bike connected to do the update ?

    So are you going to try the Smart tune out ?

  • rockyrob
    15 years ago
    Technology is crazy:) but it makes sense, the update comes from a HD website to the VCI and the VCI needs power to function so it has to be plugged into the bike the way i figure it. Went for a run yesterday and pulled the plugs, bike seems to be running a lot stronger and a light tan colour to the plugs, a little bit of decal popping if i really downsfift hard but mostly more of a burble which is fine. I will be trying the smart tune ,need to read up a bit more on it before i go there tho but it sounds like it might be a good thing, overall more than happy with the map and the software, saves dollars DIY
  • rockyrob
    15 years ago
    Technology is crazy:) but it makes sense, the update comes from a HD website to the VCI and the VCI needs power to function so it has to be plugged into the bike the way i figure it. Went for a run yesterday and pulled the plugs, bike seems to be running a lot stronger and a light tan colour to the plugs, a little bit of decal popping if i really downsfift hard but mostly more of a burble which is fine. I will be trying the smart tune ,need to read up a bit more on it before i go there tho but it sounds like it might be a good thing, overall more than happy with the map and the software, saves dollars DIY