Cleaning Screming Eagle Airfilter

  • jim76
    15 years ago

    Gday , I am after some info on cleaning the screming eagle air filter on my bike i have lost the all the paper work on how to clean it in my last move. The filter is the dry element type with no oil. can some one please help with cleaning it. Its the round ham tin shaped filter thanks for any help

  • jim76
    15 years ago
    thanks for the info. i was told today i could use some type of filter cleaner like k&n use for there filters has any one tryed this or should i stick to the hot soapy water.
    15 years ago

    clean with warm soapy water & use a low pressure hose to rinse (inside out) , no oil required like the K&N . leave out to dry , dont blow it out with air hose either ..