PCV map change

  • Spinner
    15 years ago

    Hi all.

    I have a map loaded at the moment from the power commander V website for my  09 dyna,  the bike seems to run ok .

    The bike has a heavy breather air cleaner and a set of V & H 2 into 1 big radius pipes.

    I just wanted to know if anybody has a similar set with a dyno tuned map  installed which i could load to see if  the bike will run a bit better with the bike tuned on Aussie fuel .

    I cannot get  the bike to a dyno for a while hence this e: mail any help would be much appericated.


  • DNO
    15 years ago
    Hi Mate,
    Stick with the clipped map until you can get it onto a dyno. I have seen two near identical wide glides, same pipes, A/C, year etc with a differance of 3500kms between them. The 1st bike was custom mapped, that map was then clipped into the second bike and run up. The 2nd bike required adjustments of up to 16% to get it right. Until you check it your only guessing.
  • rockyrob
    15 years ago

    Thats scary  ,lol i just posted the near exact same message when i went back to the forum there was yours :) I have a SEST on Fatbob09 running the same config as you, I bought a map from Mike,s in the US and was wondering about the fuel thingy also
