pete,go see herb or peko at sc choppers they sorted mine out,cheers
hi there jsut wondering ive been searching for some info on similar problem bike idles fine accelerates great but makes more of a ...
Not going to work unless you change over to 2010 parts on the bike.
How are you Scotty. Long time no hear.
it happen to mine bad noise when starting it . it turned out to be the ecm when it got hot the timing change got a thu ...
Been in for about 3500 kms. Tranny oil gives smooth changes and quiet operation. Cant say anything about the engine/primary except ...
scotty, still trying to get my head around this as the tts map np141-008 for open loop that i'm currently running lists the injec ...
haha fair enough. can't you just do some hardcore serpentine action down the main drag? List of maps here may help some one out.
Thanks WozzA
Hi there, all those tools and stuff sounds good however I think you have missed a vital part that is the most valuable and the che ...
Been thinking about a detachable windscreen for my 95 FXSTC...Can anyone tell me if the bottom docking bolts come with a clamp for ...
Thanks Grumpy First Harley I have owned I have always had pommy (matchless. BSA, AJ’s and triumph) still have a T100 so any a ...
Yeah thanks, +/-2000rpm is what I meant........... I was just trying to select a cam that didn't sacrifice any low end TQ for over ...
Not that I condone this but it is available via torrents. If y ...
I have a 95 FXSTC and just wondering if I drain a few mls of oil out of the forks will this soften the ride...At the moment it see ...
oil weight and amount can improve the handlin ,you can use lighter oil when the sprind rate s been improved ,it flows quicker and ...
Thanx once again Kiwi. Thats what I am going to do, it looks good, its neat and its yours which is even better. Thanx for photos w ...
Fuel rating, elevation, temperature, there are so many variables. A base map will only get you in the ballpark. Let me know how ...
Rick of Rikes Bike's Cannons Creek 5998 7707. Rick has worked on my bike, and super cool guy, and dont charge an arm or leg for ...