I too went for a ride into town, my brother was over to see the oldies, he took the pic after I took him for a quick lap around a ...
It's a hate crime 😂
Just mucking around up Muddy Creek rd, Dunno if the house is being lived in, lot of tyre tracks through the gate but there wa ...
Went to Sturgis Bali style today....can you pick my scooter...
Just bought the bike off a bloke who rode it around Australia. It's pretty bloody bright at night, actually it's bloody bright in ...
another wide glide, need to play around with this to get it right for my short arse.
I put the Wife's old Spyder in front of the boat and took this pic, I never took the chance to raise the jockey wheel (just in cas ...
Haha, all good mate 👌 carry on …….
They arrested me for walking to the toilets the year before! no wonder the riot happened
I think so too. He has a rebuild underway and it looks like a 750 x 4 engine.
Battery charger?
Been putting around Central Qld for 10 days now. Home on sunday. Wish it didnt have to end!
Hi Soapbox, Yes, the museum is permanently closed, I was told last year that it closed down and when I rode past last month ther ...
eeerm With a saddle bridle and stirrups.+ a whip.
Determined or In debt are the main 2 meanings, which suit me to a T! Determined to fix my hip, knees, shoulders, neck & back ...
Yeap, she's a bit hit or miss with the weather here at the moment, still alright for a ride if you want to brave the wind and the ...
up Loy Krathonng was so cool. before made frontb page of Bangkok Times, I was set up.......MMaggiclittle flowers with candles floa ...
Had Double Blue Mainline ute in 84 , 351 . but had raulway taxks weilded underneath as a tow vehicle dor RACV in Erica Victoria, s ...
Thank's dicko, good pic's!I'm still riding ( but can't cross boarder's except ACT & VIC ).