I'm 60 next birthday and I'm still learning stuff, some of those things negate stuff that I believed were true previously, I'm hap ...
Saw this and the video today Steve........Quensland Hydro has stated nobody was injured in an incident over the weekend that saw a ...
A 91 point fogging by the Pies to start the year bloo, maybe it could be worse but probably not for you 😂
More cars on the road than bikes, they're supposed to have 2 plates in Qld anyway.Might even have a couple of my old bike front pl ...
Hey Blue Thats great to hear that the shit is shrinking. Sounds like you are punishing it, as long as it's decreasing in size - p ...
It's entertaining so far
Yeah, no nurries that one
Stick to going yourself ,to supermarket , Great place for picking up chicks ,LOL
G'day,she sounds a bit like that M.T. Green chic in the U.S.A. All mouth and no action.
They are sending the Carrier to the Middle east- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CptG1yCSMo
Fill it up and call it a pool
good to hear Bluey,enjoy the days ahead.
Best wishes Bluey, hope all goes well fella. Soft...
You're only human 😁
It's great aye 😁👍
Good on you for getting this far Bloodog. Every one you don't have is doing you good, and now it sounds like you're feeling that.
G'day bloodog, yea, still here, lurking.
Cheers Hilly same to you bud.
It's probably the week's vodka budget for the corps.
The plot thickens https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-10/what-we-learned-from-the-indictment-against-trump/102460994