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Site Help

Registration and Login

To create topics and make posts on the site you must be a registered user. You can register on the site by creating a hosted account on this site. Or for faster access you can register and login automatically with your existing Google account.

Each of the two registration methods (hosted or Google), will create a separate account, so only choose one. Registered email addresses are unique and can only be registered once. So you cannot register multiple times using the same email address regardless of whether you register on the site or through Google.

Goolge account

When you login with your Google account your are registered on this site automatically and an anonymous username is generated for you. You can change the generated username by going to your User Profile page in the top right corner of the site. Your real name or email is never displayed publicly on the site.

Registering on this site

Create a user account and password which will be stored on this site. Click here "Register" button on the Home page. Or click here: Registration

Resetting Password

If you've forgotten your password you can reset it via email by accessing the Forgot Password page here:
Forgot Password

Accessing your user profile

To access your user profile for changing user settings click on your username in the top right corner of the site. Or click the profile link here:
In your user profile you can perform the following function:

  • Upload avatar
  • Change Username (Google logins only)
  • Change Password
  • Subscriptions
  • My Gallery
  • Change Email Address
  • Delete Your Account

Upload Avatar

To set an avatar that will appear in topics and posts for your user account click on your Profile page. From your profile page click the "Upload avatar" button to select and image from your device. Once selected the image will be uploaded and set as your avatar.

Change Username

If you've logged in using your Google account and the system has generated a default username for you. You can change this default username by going to your Profile page and entering in a new username, then click the "Save" button.

Change Password

To change your password access your user profile and click on the Password button. You must enter your existing password and then a new password. If you've forgotten your password you can reset it via email by accessing the Forgot Password page.


As a registered user you can subscribe to topics, so you can be notified by email when a new post is made. Manage your subscriptions by going to your user profile and clicking the Subscriptions button.

My Gallery

Access all of your uploaded media via the "My Gallery" button in your user profile.

Change Your Email address

You can change your email address by going to your user profile.

Delete You Account

To remove your account from the site click the "Delete My Account" button in your user profile. This will schedule a delete of your account in 48 hours. You may cancel the delete request within the 48 hour period.
Deleting your account will remove all your content from the site. Deleting your account is permanent.