Almost at 600 posts but the questions just keep on popping into my head....
Anyone heard any new/recent info on swapping fork lowers / master cylinder etc off say a FatBob twin disc set-up onto other Dyna - e.g. superglide??
I've recently finished this twin disc conversion on my 2007 FXDC after a great deal of trial and error....originally tried using FB fork legs and Harley Brembo calipers from a V-Rod 06 and later, however the pads did not contact the discs 100% as well as having to machine 1mm off one side and 5mm off the other to give the correct axial alignement. Then tried V-Rod fork legs which pretty much had the same results. Eventually settled on the QTM Brembo calipers from the USA complete with brackets which were guaranteed to fit the Fat Bob fork legs. All went together ok with the Lyndall Racing discs and pads, and an 11/16" bore master cylinder from a twin disc set up.
I believe there are more cost effective methods of achieving the same result (I talked to bloke outside our local dealer who had done this on his FXDC) using a standard RH caliper from a FB as well as the fork legs, though still may need to machine around 1mm from the mounting face to align correctly. Presume the master cylinder will work also.
Thanks SG...
Yes it was the Brembo calipers that were causing the problems - so using FB lower fork legs and calipers should not be a problem. I just wanted to stay with the chrome theme and as the Brembos were not much more expensive than stock chromed items thought I'd try them...big mistake.
I think I ordered the chin spoiler from Chicago Harley with their permanent 20% discount - took about 5 weeks delivery I think. Currently $164 USD
I actually don't mind the tank badges as they suit the chrome theme, but would be interested to see what you have as an option down the track...
As for braking improvement - I already had the Lyndall composite single disc and pads so was pretty good with that. I've only managed a few hundred Km since the project was finished due to crap weather in Perth and having to work away frequently but seems to be a dramatic improvement - though am still not happy with the lever travel which is more than before with the single disc. There may be a small amount of air still trapped - at least I'm hoping that's the problem.
The fork brace alone didn't seem to make much difference - however coupled with the True-track, and progressive fork springs/shocks I'm now pretty happy with the result.
Cheers, CC
Nice ride, what sort of tuner do you run
G'day Brett, Yeah that's how I understand it and where I went wrong from the beginning - though I already had one stock diameter Lyndall Racing disc so was pretty much commited to them due to the investment. Not sure about the axial alignement though as we took 1mm off one side and 5mm off the other to get the pads to align inside the Brembo calipers. Might be ok with the Fatbob set up though? Good luck...
SG it actualy just pushes the botom of the shock stait back and slightly up. So far so good, I havent had a chance to really push it through the twisty's cause its a 1000km to some road with bends in it from here. But seems fine through the big roundabout in town.