Online: Jay-Dee

BUB Exhausts

  • 2005 FLSTFI
    2005 FLSTFI
    15 years ago

    Anybody got or tried the BUB Jug Huggers.

    What are they like for performance,quality & loudness.

    Are the torque cones worth getting.

    Cheers for any input.


  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    15 years ago

    Mal, Dennis Manning, owner of BUB, has been around bikes and salt Lake land speed tials, most of his life. he has made pipes for a long time, his Shovel Pipes were about the best performance pipe at one time & loud, HP makes a noise you know mate.

    But as with any pipe, check out what it was designed to work with, like if you buy a pipe that was designed and developed for say a 96", you could not expect it to work the same with a 150 inch.

    so do a check.

    About Quality could not say, i don't think salt racers go to bike shows.


  • 2005 FLSTFI
    2005 FLSTFI
    15 years ago
    Thanks for your input guys
    I have V & H Straightshots at the moment, coupled with SE 211 bike is very loud anyway so maybe the BUB's won't make any difference in how loud it will be.
    Had a look on US forum, guys on there are giving thumbs up to these pipes to quality as FYO stated but nothing on performance. As it's not a race bike performance is not a huge factor for me.