The RRM would be around 4500RPM. It ain't high as Harley's rev. low for reliability. If the exhausts clattering it could be mo ...
I'd stick to what's tried and tested, i.e The Fatboy. However the quality of Harley lately is top notch, you shouldn't get a prob ...
welcome to the forum....
Uncle Ho The V&H map for my bike has 7 for front and rear pots @ 500 and 750 rpm. One of the other guys here recommended 15 at al ...
The hard thing is finding a design that no one else has got, or at least, not many people. I love retro stuff though, so if I h ...
If your using truck oil use CI- 4 plus/ CG-4 and 15w 40. Shell Rimula X or Rimula MV 15w 40 is a must as any thinner it won't pr ...
If you change the pipes,carburetor it pretty much void the warranty. The V-twin is such a good engne who cares about a warranty?
If weights an issue go for the dyna over the softail you get more torque and HP from the dynas as they are lighter and have twin c ...
It was 1922:
Top Bloke, Welcome to the forum. That's some hike to pick up your bike.
nice ride there mate and welcome
not sure if I'll be free but if all goes to plan I'll meet ya somewhere.
Go the Prod and .....ah.....Go Pies!!
Pub, 1400 k's in 12 days is pretty impressive. My sporty has just done over 1800 and I'm loving it more and more as well. Espec ...
Drop by the touring section as there is some post on this subject there.
Fossil fuel will never run out!!! Its all a conspiracy by governments to keep fuel prices high and reap the tax reward. And as ...
gsh, Makes you wonder doesn't it. It used to be that you could complain about rain but not these days, especially in the easte ...
kensim, yes that's definately good advice after my experience. Brakes seem to have come good a bit after some hard braking at lu ...
Each year we have our Annual Runs that we do... Normally this time of the year it is nice weather in Central Victoria. W ...