Channel 7 news this evening spoke about two MC accidents on the same road but different areas/time of day. both motorcyclists killed. The first one was hit by a car pulling out, couldn't quite make out the type of bike. The 2nd one was as below:
Thursday November 22, 04:23 PM
A motorcycle rider has died and two people have been injured in a traffic crash at Quinns Rocks, north of Perth.
The crash happened at the intersection of Marmion Avenue and Quinns Road this afternoon.
The man died at the scene.
A woman has been taken to Joondalup Health Campus with serious injuries and another person has also been taken to hospital.
The death takes the state's road toll to 200 so far this year, 27 more than at the same time last year.
This crash was a Harley, I believe a Fatty from the footage I saw. Hopefully no one from here.
This carnage with us riders on the receiving end is absolute bullshit!!!
Im normally placid but for FUCKS SAKE! Makes me wna commit several violent assaults aginst those responsible.
These so called mistakes by these shitty drivers are not acceptable. They should be jailed for LIFE. AN eye fro an eye.
I know it wont bring any1 back but it would make some of us feel somewhat better and at the very least would get these fuckwit drivers off the road.
feeling pissed off all the time at the moment with these incidents.
My thoughts go out to all involved. RIP to the departed.
Yep, you've gotta watch yer back............
It's crazy how many people on MC's are getting killed, I recal a lot of the reports were mostly to do with white-knuckle riders fanging around on bikes and coming unstuck, but these days there is just too many fatalities (and injuries) from people getting cleaned up by cagers.........and the excuse of "didn't see them" is beyond a joke. Bike riders were made to ride with headlights on to "make us more visible".........has it achieved anything?
The traffic & governmental departments have got to stop pointing the finger at blokes on bikes and start working on strategies to keep us alive (and I don't mean by their usual crap of impacting on our way of life). I know I harp on about this a lot but I became a much more aware driver after i got my bike licence. The government reckons it has us paying higher taxes to "make the roads safer" the adverts you see on the idiot box they're doing there best to protect folk driving cars. How often do you see adverts about being aware of riders?
It's seriously fucked. (apologies)
It's getting that way that I look forward to riding on country roads, city roads are getting too damn dangerous. A rider was killed here in Mandurah a couple of weeks ago as well. Condolenses to all the families affected.
Please ride safe
First of all my condolances to all the families involved, it is never easy!
This subject has hit on one of my pet subjects, oldies ( we call em cotton tops because all you see through the back window is a ball of white hair) driving on the roads. I work in a retiremant village and constantly see older people driving who should be off the road! I could give you a list a mile long of things i have seen and these people drive on the same roads we use. A couple of weeks ago a cotton top nearly got me, he was on my right and pulled out in front of cars coming the other way and tried to plaster me to the road, not only did he not see me he didnt see a 6 cyl falcon and he never stopped or slowed down. I have a mate whos mom in her 80s was having blackouts kept driving, she had a blackout crossed the double line and headon onto another car, killed a 16 year old girl, a biker got killed here by an 80 year old who ran him down. I have put in 3 written reports about one resident here, went out of here using the in lane, went around the roundabout arse about face and wiped out a garden bed when he forgot to take the corner and he still has his licence. Its got to stop!!!!!! Driving is a privilege not a right!!!! I dont want to see people disadvantaged but these days they can use scooters or the free buses but they have no right whatsoever to kill me or anyone else, and their reaction time is measured in seconds if they react at all. So what do we do, i whish i knew. we could lobby government to make it mandatory for doctors to notify the traffic branch when someone has a condition that renders them a danger to other road users and if they dont the doctor can be sued as well, that will make em report! Everyone over a certain age say 70 has to go for a test every year, a real driving test on real roads. Its not just me i fear for i have kids and grandkids and they could run over them just as easily. So what do you reckon can we use this forum as a springboard to start a campaign to do something about this, any and all suggestions welcomme and i put my hand up to be part of anything you all decide to do.
My thoughts go out to the families of the victims in these incidents. I agree that it's way too easy for older people to keep driving once their driving skills have deteriorated. Here in SA they only have to pass a vision and medical test every year past 70. Sorry but that's pathetic. Medical practitioners also have a duty to inform the relevant authorities if anyone has a medical condition which could impair their driving. That's also pretty pathetic. They expect doctors to basically inform the authorities about older people who can't drive. Only problem is the majority of doctor's income comes directly from the elderly, it's basically the majority of their customer base. High time they started giving these oldies a real skill based driving test and get them off the roads if they don't pass, which I'm sure the majority wouldn't. What about the test to get a motorcycle license, it's got to be one of the hardest license tests there is. Old people are a major hazard for bikes, stats have shown that they are more likely to cause an accident at an intersection, stop or give way sign, involving failure to give way.
not good
I always find it worthy of big old smirk that I had to do two tests for my MC license, one for my 250cc and then another for the open class.............yet at 17 I could have done one test and jumped behind the wheel of a souped up V8 and no one would have blinked. Why is it we still have to do two tests for a bike but a kid can buy a high powered vehicle (be it a V8 or 4cyl twin turbo) and a stereo system that cranks beyond the acceptable limit of an outdoor concert?
As for "cotton tops", let's face it.........some still drive extremely well and others just don't. Over 75's to have a test every couple of years at a pensioner rate or subsidised by the government would be a good thing. A test wouldn't have to mean passing what a 17 year old would be required to I know I'd probably fail! We all pick up bad habits after we get that piece of plastic in our hands! But, a test that shows you are capable of driving, understanding the road and the ability to react to an emergency isn't a bad thing. I know I'd be happy to do it to keep our roads safer.
Hell, I see people a lot younger than myself who shouldn't be behind the wheel of a car as they can't fathom the simplest of tasks known as "indicating". How many people do you see still using mobiles while turning a corner and changing gears? It's bloody crazy.
But, it's the same old story.............."It won't happen to me!"
OK, time to put this to bed. There are good drivers, and there are bad. Age is no excuse.
Life goes on............