I dont ask often for anything to be done, but give just a few seconds to read this THATS AS MUCH YOU COULD GIVE ON THE ROADS TO SAVE SOMEONE'S LIFE
After a couple of e-mails over the last few days I have thought about spreading the word... please, cut and paste the following and send it (if you like) with your comments attached to as many folk you know LETS GET THE MESSAGE OUT THERE
Last week 3 more motorcyclists died on Perthroads, I attended a memorial ride for one of them on Saturday (Dice) and rode past the crash site for another yesterday during a safety awareness ride to Dwellingup 2 people died because motor car drivers DID NOT LOOK HARD ENOUGH and pulled out in front of them PLEASE GIVE 2 WHEELED RIDERS ANOTHER CHANCE LOOK LEFT LOOK RIGHT THINK BIKE have a great festive season and try hard to make it that way for everyone Mel (BillyWhizz) As you know, Motorcycling is a huge part of my life, one that I wish to keep partaking in for the rest of my life. In the weeks coming up to Christmas I have noticed drivers becoming more distracted, erratic, discourteous and in general inattentive. Life is busy, everyone has somewhere to be, I understand this, however doesn't take two seconds, to look over your shoulder and check your blindspot when changing lanes, or to double check the road before you pull out. "I didn't see you" is not a good enough excuse. You should see everything when driving or riding a vehicle. I ask you all to forward this email to all your friends and family in the hope that their raised awareness of motorcycles/scooters may stop another incident such as the two accidents below and we can all have a happy Christmas. Many Thanks Jenna Let those who ride decide Motorcycle Riders Association of Western Australia (Inc PO Box 196, VictoriaPark Western Australia 6979 Ph: (08) 9487 0400 Motorcycle Riders Association of Western Australia E-mail: committee@mrawa.asn.au 22 Nov 2007, 1700hrs Press Release Perth, WA: 2 motorcyclists killed in 2 days, by drivers pulling out in front of them. "2 needless motorcycle rider fatalities have occurred in as many days, with 1 pillion injured also. At this stage both appear to be due to car drivers pulling out in front of the riders at intersections. The Motorcycle Riders Association of WA (MRAWA) is urging drivers to please look for motorcycles, particularly at intersections. With the hotter weather upon us, more motorcyclists will be on the roads over the next months. Please be on the look out. Let's share the roads." Thank you.