A brace with a 1" auger bit in it?Nice and slow.
My 2007 Street Bob did something like that for years... worse when hot. Eventually changed the starter motor.
Thanks! As long as it has the flange to install flush with the case that looks perfect for a single use tool.
I would of hoped they replaced the handle-bars which is not expensive if the bars are the same
G'day, you probably won't get much joy in here with your questions on the new sportsters, try here.....https://www.harley-davidson ...
I'm assuming you mean as a tourist - easy enough. Book on the Spirit of Tasmania. Ride on in Geelong. Ride off in Devonport. Bikes ...
Looks bloody great, bars will look good to, a tasteful transition away from the stock ones shall we say 😁
One of my mates had a twin hip replacement at around 50yo in Jan 2019... after couple weeks not evident he even had an op. On the ...
I have no idea. Not had any experience tuning M8s. Ring the dealer or drop in and talk to them. They should be able to download th ...
I put a combined speedo/tacho into a 2008 Softail Custom in 2011. Original bike had 66,000 K's on it. I (ahem) just fancied a c ...
You can buy a U shape thats 2mm thick and the width of both bag mounts, goes down across botton and up outer side coming up ...
I’ve run a set of Metzeler 888’s on both my heritage and Electra glide.Getting good mileage out of them, 17,000 kms from the rear ...
bugger....sorry for bum steer cob :-/
awesome post tnx Obi.....
More complete systems added. I just "inventoried" my shed haha...
I sold my 2004 nightrain to my nephew a couple years ago (2018), complete with the installed Paul Yaffa Crack Pipes, I also gave h ...
Edited as I realised that my question had already been answered. Low nines capability is going to be pretty hard to get down the ...
Been looking for the torque settings for the lower triple tree clamping bolts to no avail .. found them for other moodels/ye ...
Looks good on the inside, not so good on the outside. This was an engine that the crankshaft had spread in L .016" R.016" runout b ...