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  • softfat
    18 days ago
    Quoting beaglebasher on 08 Feb 2025 12:44 PM

    I retired recently and have been thinking about getting a mutt.

    Anybody got any recommendations on what sort of dog I should get?
    Serious  question. 

    Quoting boxa on 19 Feb 2025 10:02 PM

    No doubt about it for me its the rottweiler , i'm a dog lover we have never been without dogs , had all sorts ,  heelers are good , lots of good ones , BUT   the two best watch ,/ guard dogs we have ever had were rottys , , no training just came natural , both of them  one male , one female , were the same , had thjem  at different times ,not together ,   just great freindly  familly dogs , freindly with strangers , but both of them it was like they had a switch in there brain at night , they just become great guard dogs , also might sound callous but  they don't live long , so if your retirement age 67 , you don't want a dog thats gonna live till 18 then  be without an owner  if you josh it , rotty will probably die inside 10 years   you might be heart broken  , but  its better than you joshing it and him 10 years and no one wants him , go the rottys

    Yeah, same. Had German Shepherds when we were younger, then switched to Rotties in the mid 90's. Always had 2 to keep each other company when we were not home. First female had a coughing bout late one night. Turned out she twisted her bowel and was in a lot of pain. We had her put to sleep. If she was younger they could have operated. She was 12. Then a series of males who didn't live past 10 due to cancer or tumours. Last female, just 3 years ago, collapsed in the rear legs and could not get up and we had to have her put to sleep. We also had her brother at the same time but he only lived until just over 4 and same thing, cancer.

  • Humbug
    16 days ago
    We had a young fella here in the NT fracture a babies skull, had to be sent interstate for treatment. Lad was already on bail at the time, now a judge has given him bail so he could got o a funeral and he did a runner. Judges need to have to explain their actions.
    Believe he has since been located.

  • paulybronco
    16 days ago
    Read that the judges are not happy with the new tougher sentence provisions here in QLD. 
  • obisteve
    16 days ago
    Sorry to have to say it, but the only time I've seen a couple of Rottweillers put to the test to protect their owner who was down on the ground in his front yard and being bashed by a gorilla, they wussed it, milled around whining, you could almost hear them saying The boss is being hurt, somebody help him.
    I had to step up, might have had to knock on the gorilla's ribs with the back of an axe to get his attention.
    You might not be able to rely on Rottweillers, but you can always rely on an axe, they're completely honest.
  • paulybronco
    16 days ago
    In a past lifetime i ran trucks for CUB running pallets of beer to pubs, grog shops etc, my Rotty would be on the back of the truck and twice bit scumbags who thought the truck was a self serve shop. One had a few puncture wounds to the arm the second guy had a decent bite to the face. Cops came on both occasions and in those days they deemed it justice served.
  • B0nes
    16 days ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 24 Feb 2025 10:58 AM

    In a past lifetime i ran trucks for CUB running pallets of beer to pubs, grog shops etc, my Rotty would be on the back of the truck and twice bit scumbags who thought the truck was a self serve shop. One had a few puncture wounds to the arm the second guy had a decent bite to the face. Cops came on both occasions and in those days they deemed it justice served.

    Had a German Shepard once that nearly tore an attackers arm off. Was at the local with the old man having a few brews in the beer garden when a couple of clowns dragged a drum fire pit over towards their table. Old man told them to drag the thing back to the middle so everybody could benefit from it. One of them challenged the old man to a blue in the carpark. As they both walked out, he said to keep an eye on his mates and if they followed to let the dog off from the back of the ute. They all walked out so I unleashed the dog just as one of them took a swing at the old man. Dog shot off and latched onto this clowns arm. Had him screaming like a girl until I pulled the dog up.
    Same dog another time, while drinking at the local, a group of one percenters were causing a bit of trouble. Publican asked them to finish up and leave. Their response was "who's going to make us". He asked if we could bring the dog inside. Then told them that she was. They finished quick smart and left without saying a word. Funnest thing I've ever seen.
  • paulybronco
    16 days ago
    Well finally the community are getting fed up with the judges that are releasing these young offenders back immediately after being charged.Just got to allow the system to be free of political interference but get in line with community expectations.  
  • obisteve
    16 days ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 24 Feb 2025 10:58 AM

    In a past lifetime i ran trucks for CUB running pallets of beer to pubs, grog shops etc, my Rotty would be on the back of the truck and twice bit scumbags who thought the truck was a self serve shop. One had a few puncture wounds to the arm the second guy had a decent bite to the face. Cops came on both occasions and in those days they deemed it justice served.

    I would have really preferred my mates Rotties to have sorted the problem, you don't pick up and use a potentially lethal weapon lightly, but after the dogs wussed it and the gorrilla had grabbed a brick off a pile of demo rubble I reckoned it was necessary.
    The coppers turned up half an hour after it was all over, my mates girlfriend had taken him to hospital, the gorilla had pissed off after seeing that I really did know how to use an axe, I was there by myself busy washing blood off the concrete. The gorilla got charged with assault occasioning grievous bodily harm, the coppers got me to rewrite my statement with no mention of the axe, and just before the court appearance the police prosecutor was like Don't mention the axe, don't mention the axe!
    The gorilla was a no show at court, apparently he was a yank professional basket ball player who'd been been hired by a club in Qld, been tossed from the club for too much party drugs, got into the 'roids in a big way, bulked up a lot and was working as a bouncer around Noosa when it all happened. Was glad to hear later that he'd shot through back to the states.
    Still get a smile remembering the solid thunk as the back of the axe swung into his ribs.
  • beaglebasher
    15 days ago
    Fuck me dead!
    Thats a pretty good story obi. Reminds me of the time I got in a bit of tangle with a big tall skinny cunt down the Snowy Mountains.

  • obisteve
    14 days ago
    Quoting beaglebasher on 25 Feb 2025 10:01 AMedited: 25 Feb 2025 10:04 AM

    Fuck me dead!

    Thats a pretty good story obi. Reminds me of the time I got in a bit of tangle with a big tall skinny cunt down the Snowy Mountains.

    Thanks Beags. That couldn't have been me, even though one of my ex wives describes me pretty much like that.
    Until the gorilla episode, previous time things got physical was in Moree in 1993.
  • flstc08
    13 days ago
    Quoting Humbug on 24 Feb 2025 09:21 AM

    We had a young fella here in the NT fracture a babies skull, had to be sent interstate for treatment. Lad was already on bail at the time, now a judge has given him bail so he could got o a funeral and he did a runner. Judges need to have to explain their actions.

    Believe he has since been located.

    the judges say that they are following the letter of the law. 
    If the law supposes that," said Mr. Bumble, squeezing his hat emphatically in both hands, "the law is a ass — a idiot. If that's the eye of the law, the law is a bachelor; and the worst I wish the law is, that his eye may be opened by experience"
    Thanks to Charlie Dickins .