I retired recently and have been thinking about getting a mutt.
No doubt about it for me its the rottweiler , i'm a dog lover we have never been without dogs , had all sorts , heelers are good , lots of good ones , BUT the two best watch ,/ guard dogs we have ever had were rottys , , no training just came natural , both of them one male , one female , were the same , had thjem at different times ,not together , just great freindly familly dogs , freindly with strangers , but both of them it was like they had a switch in there brain at night , they just become great guard dogs , also might sound callous but they don't live long , so if your retirement age 67 , you don't want a dog thats gonna live till 18 then be without an owner if you josh it , rotty will probably die inside 10 years you might be heart broken , but its better than you joshing it and him 10 years and no one wants him , go the rottys
Its in todays paper, seems like at least one was released from youth detention last month and has a extensive criminal history. All have been denied bail. Going to be a interesting one this..
In a past lifetime i ran trucks for CUB running pallets of beer to pubs, grog shops etc, my Rotty would be on the back of the truck and twice bit scumbags who thought the truck was a self serve shop. One had a few puncture wounds to the arm the second guy had a decent bite to the face. Cops came on both occasions and in those days they deemed it justice served.
Fuck me dead!
We had a young fella here in the NT fracture a babies skull, had to be sent interstate for treatment. Lad was already on bail at the time, now a judge has given him bail so he could got o a funeral and he did a runner. Judges need to have to explain their actions.