Letter of the law...

  • paulybronco
    Far out...
  • tussuck
    Even the cops have knobs in the force.  Just a bully rgardless of the uniform.

  • fatbat
    Massive knob

    To pick on a bloke for a luggage rack and camera mount is pathetic and embarrassing. Nothing to do with road safety 
  • B0nes
    Calling it a knob is a bit of an understatement.
  • Hilly
    Gotta wonder what makes some pricks tick.
  • 408
    18 hours ago
    You meet a lot of arseholes in life but the ones in uniform are tricky to deal with and there are plenty of them.
  • Hilly
    18 hours ago
    Quoting 408 on 11 Mar 2025 12:41 AM

    You meet a lot of arseholes in life but the ones in uniform are tricky to deal with and there are plenty of them.

    Trying to juggle the power imbalance and your own dignity is the tricky bit, I've got it wrong before and had to listen to loonies yelling and talking to themselves all night, I've bit my tongue a bit since then but when you get an aggro arsehole it's a battle to be civil.
  • 408
    18 hours ago
    Quoting 408 on 11 Mar 2025 12:41 AM

    You meet a lot of arseholes in life but the ones in uniform are tricky to deal with and there are plenty of them.

    Quoting Hilly on 11 Mar 2025 01:03 AM

    Trying to juggle the power imbalance and your own dignity is the tricky bit, I've got it wrong before and had to listen to loonies yelling and talking to themselves all night, I've bit my tongue a bit since then but when you get an aggro arsehole it's a battle to be civil.

    You summed it up well.
    I spent the night in a cell by myself and then in the morning, upon release, I went down the road to the hospital out-patients department and got my nose stitched up.