Online: beaglebasher, speedzter

Starting issue

  • HD17
    14 days ago
    Hi everyone 

    I have a 2017 fatty S and having dramas starting it. Has 16" apes installed. I get two codes all the time and usually can clear them but can't now for some reason. The codes are B2119 and B2141. Has anyone had this type of fault before. 
  • Rextheute2022
    14 days ago
    One is fuel pump voltage low / high current draw and the other is battery voltage low .

    Charge / change battery see if the other one goes away .
    Fuel pump could be  on way out also - so each one is sort of causing  the other 
  • Rextheute2022
    14 days ago
    Hmmm, b2141 also links in as a security code to rear blinker flash via the bcm - linked to low battery voltage - have you fitted led flashers ? 
    Could be a resistance issue . 
    - no idea just banging away - annoying tho ! 
  • HD17
    13 days ago
    Hey mate thanks for your help
  • Hilly
    13 days ago
    What level cal are you running? The 617 was a problem for our S models, you need the 621 if you don't already have it, open the comp releases when you turn it on instead of after you start cranking, makes a difference.
  • Retroman
    9 days ago
    The problem I am about to describe SHOULD have been sorted by 2017 model year

    A few years back I was having 12/13/14 model year bikes arrive at me often just over 2 years old, and I noticed a number of them had "hard start". All HD dealer "tuned" or flashed for stage 1/2/3 or whatever. Now out of warranty.

    Now some of the Calibrations for 103 cube bikes the ACR was NOT toggled "ON" in the calibration.
    I had to go in and reflash them with a cal modded and "name changed" to something like
    A calibration where I had been sure to toggle on in the tuning constants and save the file with ACR.ON

    I lost count of the number of times I had to do that, as the HD dealer (and a "famous" now gone Indy shop) had reflashed bikes with a cal that gave them a "hard start" FOR 2 YEARS.

    All the dudes said " the bike has never started so easily...No shit ? 

    These were all Supertuner Pro tuned bikes of course. And I mean it was a LOT of bikes over the years.