Online: B0nes, Hilly

Anyone looking after our nations defence.....

  • paulybronco
    18 days ago
    A Virgin Australia pilot is responsible for alerting authorities about Chinese live fire drills off Australia’s east coast last week, a Senate Estimates hearing has revealed.
    The head of Airservices Australia, which manages air traffic, also revealed the exercises on Friday forced dozens of flights to change course, meaning the impact was significantly higher than previously thought.
    The drills were carried out by a trio of Chinese warships lurking in the Tasman Sea, between Australia and New Zealand.
    The Albanese government has formally protested the drills both in Beijing and in Canberra, but the incident has sparked criticism of Labor’s response to the flotilla.
    Fronting senators on Monday night, Airservices Australia chief executive Rob Sharp said the Virgin pilot alerted his agency after overhearing chatter from the ships while flying nearby on Friday.
    A trio of Chinese warships lurking of Australia’s east coast conducted live fire drills last week. Picture: NewsWire / Australian Defence Force
    A trio of Chinese warships lurking of Australia’s east coast conducted live fire drills last week. Picture: NewsWire / Australian Defence Force
    “It was in fact a Virgin Australia aircraft that advised one of our air traffic controllers that a foreign warship was broadcasting, that they were conducting live firing 300 nautical miles east off our coast,” he said.
    “So that’s how we first found out about the issue.”
    Deputy chief executive Peter Curran said the Chinese ships used an emergency radio channel to broadcast their activity.
    The frequency is monitored by pilots but not air traffic control.
    Mr Sharp said the agency issued a warning within two minutes even though it “didn’t know whether it was a potential hoax or real”.
    The officials said Forty-nine flights were diverted, with some aircraft in the air when they had to find alternative routing.
    How many of the planes were carrying passengers remains unclear, but at least two commercial flights were among them.
    “It is a relatively busy time of the day. There are a number of flight paths that go from Sydney across to various places in New Zealand and from Brisbane, they converge to the southeast there,” Mr Curran said.
    He also added that the drills breached norms.
    Typically, warships give 24-48 hours official notice, as opposed to mere hours and no government-to-government communication.
  • Hilly
    18 days ago
    Yeah it's cheeky but they were in international waters and the status quo ain't what it used to be, given we piss them off regularly in the south china sea you got to expect a bit of flex, doesn't make it right, just a symptom of a changing world and they don't give a fuck.
  • paulybronco
    17 days ago
    The issue is not that they were in international waters its that it took a domestic airliner to inform the defense force that a live fire had been announced. If defence was aware they have a responsibility to inform air traffic control to divert planes but they never did.  
  • Hilly
    17 days ago
    My understanding PB is the live fire party is supposed to notify the possible aggrieved party or parties prior to letting fly, thier flex if you like is ignoring that and just telling the planes to piss off, our navy probably didn't have a clue they were live firing as, as far as I can tell by what's written, the Chinese ships were not in eyesight, is it hard to learn Mandarin? Asking for a friend!
  • paulybronco
    17 days ago
    Quoting Hilly on 25 Feb 2025 08:44 AM

    My understanding PB is the live fire party is supposed to notify the possible aggrieved party or parties prior to letting fly, thier flex if you like is ignoring that and just telling the planes to piss off, our navy probably didn't have a clue they were live firing as, as far as I can tell by what's written, the Chinese ships were not in eyesight, is it hard to learn Mandarin? Asking for a friend!

    The point i am trying to press here is that even in senates estimates some highly paid people had more idea about MAFS on channel 9 than a few ships of who we are told is our greatest threat 200klm of sydney letting rockets off. 
  • Hilly
    17 days ago
    I understand, but if they don't tell ya they gunna and you can't see them how do you know they are? 
    Maybe I'm missing the point here altogether?
  • paulybronco
    17 days ago
    Quoting Hilly on 25 Feb 2025 10:55 AM

    I understand, but if they don't tell ya they gunna and you can't see them how do you know they are? 

    Maybe I'm missing the point here altogether?

    Well they did tell one was monitoring the radio chatter from our defence force and a Virgin captain had to report it to authorities. How prepared are we really in this country? Senate estimates today should hopefully uncover something but my bet is every question will be taken on notice in a effort to deflect blame.
  • Hilly
    17 days ago
    The Chinese didn't follow normal procedure, simples, they did it this way to cause concern, to point out we are powerless to do anything about it, operational success. Definitely need to lift our game!
    Wonder if the UK would sell us a couple of nukes, Ukraine is a classic case of never give em up if you have them, can't trust anyone.

  • 408
    17 days ago

    Didn't Nostradamus warn us about the 'Yellow Peril' ?
    Seriously, the biggest threat from them is due to our government allowing them to buy up our land and resources.
    But if I lived in Taiwan I would be worried.
  • obisteve
    16 days ago
    Dunno about Nostradamus, but Henry Lawson did.
    "Every man should have a rifle, and rounds for it at hand..."
    And in this day and age, why limit the available pool of skill, be inclusive, include women and the confused.
  • paulybronco
    16 days ago
    Well seems like our defence force now concede that is "more probable than not" that these chinese warships are being shadowed by at least one possibly two of their nuclear subs....just a reminder the ships were less than 300klm of the coast of Sydney a few days ago. 
  • paulybronco
    16 days ago
    Quoting obisteve on 26 Feb 2025 10:44 AM

    Dunno about Nostradamus, but Henry Lawson did.

    "Every man should have a rifle, and rounds for it at hand..."
    And in this day and age, why limit the available pool of skill, be inclusive, include women and the confused.

    Ha Ha sadly the population has been disarmed to protect the home invading armed scum, i do have a relative who has a old decommissioned firearm with a interesting marking on both the stock and breech of the gun.....a enfield manufactured in  1884....long story short seems the victorian government handed out these guns to farmers to protect themselves against bushrangers etc in the day, how times have changed.
  • flstc08
    15 days ago
    there was an ad on the tv this afternoon, Thursday 27/2/25. for trips to China, great wall and all that .
  • paulybronco
    15 days ago
    Just head to the beachfront near Hobart as they sail past and wave them down...just be careful your room has a porthole if it hasnt your in a sub for sure.
  • paulybronco
    15 days ago
    So the torpedo that was found on the beach on the goldie was a inert practice round, after firing it and then loosing track of it they still haven't reported it missing or even a warning to maritime services that its out there somewhere floating around. Last year two drunk mates walked straight through the front gates at Gallipoli Barracks – one of Australia's largest military bases, located just a few kilometres from Brisbane – and drove away in an Rheinmetall MAN HX40M rigid truck. Lets not forget we still have 3 stolen anti tank rocket launchers somewhere out there in the community after they were stolen from the army in 2002.