Love it wozza
Yes , he will send them out
234K's round trip cold weather rides don't bother me. bring it on next year
There was a great bloke that used to run a shop out of his backyard in Melbourne's Sth eastern burbs called YAMAWRECK, he' ...
This year all proceeds will be going to the Domestic Violence Crisis Service ACT. Flyer attached.
you can send your SERT to TTS in us and have it upgraded to tts $100 specs also much more powerful program ,, tts is is the bloke ...
Agree with above ,,, How did it slip down when its cable tied in place ???
Hi Fella's Thanks for the advise. Doug
Damn. Sexy bit of CranK.
Hi Justo, welcome to the forum.
Run a small tap through the hole to give the epoxy/JB Weld something to hang onto. Current thinking seems to be leaning away fr ...
I had to use Harley Assist a month ago. It was a very pleasant experience. Took 90 minutes from phone call to pick up(I live 50kms ...
Even the old Allen head bolt can trash your day I've found that these easyouts tend to be a l ...
think your onto it bonkerz,in the meantime giving the seller greif he doesnt need
Hi Does anyone know if a 2013 48 solo seat will fit a 2016 Iron?
When I did mine back in 07 it ws about $1100 for the set & it is easy to fit.
took our 3 young ones to the local rec reserve,they where in cars but same priniple,its always open and they learned the basics th ...
Replaced stock headers and screamin eagle slip ons with short shots.
Thanks for the feedback "Retro"
Looking for a decent looking small fairing/ windshield.