Hi Lushy - Stage 1 with SE Heavy Breather and a tune for the Fat Cat. Maybe in the future put a cam in but no more then that.  ...
Sounds like the guy the old man talked about. Australia was about to enter the Gulf War and this one guy bitched about going becau ...
How are you going with the 3D printer thing tussuck?I dismantled the same cruise control / throttle lock thing when I first bought ...
I have only bought one item from them and found both the product and service very good.
Getting down!
That's the spirit Steve....never picked you for someone who would just roll over.
I had to replace the water pump on the wife's Tri-Glide (2019) late last year, we changed the sensor first but as temp light came ...
Old thread boosted as someone has recently asked for info.
https://hdforums.com.au/Thread/673587/1/ Here ya go
Well you wouldn't expect a 4by driver to stop after only hitting 1 would you? They'd only give the windscreen washers a go to clea ...
There 'might' be something in the non-harley tacho. So long as it works fine then no issue.Cleaning the TPS may/may not work ...
I want to call my lawyer
Just watched it.....second Aussie to do it and he aced it. Fabulous effort.
Octane booster is bad crap for the inside paint or lining as well I’ve that issue 1 set the white lining stuff done pre ...
Injectors are probably blocked if they sit for a few years They gum up with what fuel that was left in them than can’t ...
Great track Hilly cheers for that
It looks like it was a load equaliser for the led indicators or low watts conversion. Somebody must have installed it for the old ...
Grandson is off on a Cubs camp as well at the moment. A bit wet yesterday but okay today, so fingers crossed they are having ...
Ah, the joys of country living.
Not as crazy a drop as you might think. 1.5in difference in height, split it for axle height and its .75in lower.