Well here we go on the inflation step ladder....electricity price rise on July1....we could break into the top ten most expensive ...
G'day,every country in the world is affected, no exceptions, and egg head Dutton thinks he is Mr. superior.
Lets hope that goes on to bumper sales as well...great outcome for the island and the wider community.
Ha Ha that's gold!....i would have said mature gay couple Steve...lol
https://hdforums.com.au/Thread/476196/2?postid=588028#588028 https://hdforums.com.au/Thread/677793/1?postid=777900#777900 Threa ...
See Marc gave his race winnings, bonus the whole lot away in Thailand to charity.....a cool $503k. Very generous effort.
It does seem to vary state to state. I left Victoria in the 70's rode north to Qld which was in the Bjelke Petersen era and suppos ...
FYI For those of you in the comp....or if you want to join as a one off.....doing a seperate comp for the wooden spoon. Cost is $5 ...
I grabbed the Lithium because it was on special. The HVT-1 is still going well and I wasn't inclined to pull it out but I am g ...
130 mph is 209kph still going for 100cc
Thanks mate 👍
The problem I am about to describe SHOULD have been sorted by 2017 model year A few years back I was having 12/13/14 model year b ...
Hilly i have it on good authority......NO! Seems HD are doing the same as before that if a dealer sells a bike overseas they ...
My very good mate bought a new Jeep and had minor things that kept the vehicle of the road for so long that he traded it while it ...
amongst other preps, spent yesterday chopping trees / branches anywhere near our aerial powerlines to our humpy just in case - hav ...
What sort of alcohol percentage do you aim for FC ?A mate used to make his own wine and we overindulged one time on a particularly ...
Hi thereHad this plate CVO12 on my 2012 CVO Street Glide FLHXSE3 which was sold over 12 months ago. Was fitted in a Kuryakn curved ...
Strong chance as contractors were there looking at something gas related prior to this.
So the torpedo that was found on the beach on the goldie was a inert practice round, after firing it and then loosing track of it ...
G'day,the judges say that they are following the letter of the law. If the law supposes that," said Mr. Bumble, squeezing hi ...