You hit the nail on the head, Binnsy : Patience !!!! Your a lucky bugger having a sparky as a son in law ,Tom. Pulling the c ...
can help out if need to 97733436
Love my Mustang seat... only issue I have had is the two rubber feet do mark the guard...
Bike Sales QLD have reopened in Labrador
Hi Fontana, You probably won't want to mess around with heat ranges on the plugs ,as they are more about the temp range the engin ...
I think for the cost they should be replaced after about 3-4 years. Better than getting caught out. Have seen a couple go now and ...
Sounds like a plan! However, this Friday I have a day of shuffling the son around to the orthodontist, then the dentist, then back ...
Just fitted these to my Rocker C. What a difference! Along with the Danny Gray seat I now sit in the bike not on the bike. The ext ...
Cheers, I'll look into some more video's.
What i wrote in 'Cam coming on ' is probably relevant here.
Target tune is awsome. However, you can use your super tuner map as the original map or the current in PV, but you will need ...
Thanks for the report LordViykor. Was looking at the Road Glide Ultra myself but couldn't afford the extra coin so ended up wit ...
rear guard- if you run a straight edge or string line from the tip of your rear guard intersecting through the rear axle bolt the ...
yeah the swing arm is completely straight lol ... looks bad ass but travel not so good... its not a overnighter bike its more of ...
Heaps of free manuals on the net these days. love it
Chisel the dealers and go for a new one, set it up the same or better ? Good luck either way, as Retro said its a buyers market.
Welcome, I've got an 83/84 Evo softy mate. Great bikes.
Redline MTL for primary Redline Heavy Shockproof (strawberry thick shake) in the g/box Only need to change em once a year, or wh ...
Thanks for the heads up. I'll put that up on my calendar.