Online: crowster69

I hate FOBS

  • Ric
    8 years ago
    Thanks for this thread lads.

    I haven't forgotten mine as yet, but I'll be extra aware from now on and maybe practice dialling in my security pin as well.

  • Soapbox2627
    8 years ago
    you guys are so lucky

    a FOB

    I cant afford a bike with a FOB, see, I miss out on all the fun
  • 98fxstc
    8 years ago

    Hide the spare FOB on the bike

    Put the battery in it upside down so its not working

    (Someone could knock off your bike)

    When you need it , dig it out and reverse the battery

    Lots of places to hide them if you think about it

  • Soapbox2627
    8 years ago
    if you wear the same helmet, can you hollow out some of the foam and stick the FOB in there under the lining
  • Jersey
    8 years ago
    Now we're talkin. I was thinking about hiding the spare fob on bike but then thought well need to hide battery as well so couldnt be stolen. Didn't consider turning Battery upside down. That is brilliant. I carry tools to remove my seat and there is room inside the side covers. Plenty of places to tape it or stick it. SB's helmet idea isn't bad either. Got me thinkin.
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    8 years ago

    Under the seat does not do it for me, in fact Harley seats in general must be the easiest things to steal in the world. One simple screw and bingo! your seat has gone.

    In fact the more you think about it the more the FOB does seem like a bad design flaw in some ways.

    Don't know about you blokes but even armed with my fob if I am in an unsavoury neighbourhood I will usually lock my ignition switch and lock the steering lock......WITH THE KEY.

    Q. Why cant they miniaturise the fob into the actual plastic bit of the key and make the fob and key THE ONE UNIT?.

    A. That is just as stupid beacuse then you will lose the key with built in fob (if perchance it falls out of the pocket).

    Maybe a fingerprint touch on the speedo? Voice recognition? etc to enable your bike so you can ride it is the way of the future.

  • SRV72
    8 years ago
    for the blokes with no idea - have a watch of this youtube clip. Very important if you have not changed the pin code since factory as they are all the same therefore anybody can steel your bike until you change / personalize the code.
  • Soapbox2627
    8 years ago
    so now having watch the video, I can do the first sequence and get the code, (change it if I want)
    then do the second sequence and start the bike and ride away

    I would now suggest locking the ignition and taking the hit on the missus bringing the spare key and fob
  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    8 years ago

    obviously most here are old school... most new cars are also keyless

    simple solution is to place the key/fob in your pocket, same as you would with your car

