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Chopper & Campin Show Thailand

  • Rivo
    4 years ago
    I thought I might post some photos of the Chopper & Campin show on the last few days here in Thailand.................................Fairly big scene of custom bikes over here, not as many Harley's as Australia, main reason is their price, about twice the price of Australia when new.......

  • steelo
    4 years ago
    Thanks for pics Rico. Love them. Like that CB media fella who posts blogs on bikes, boats, cars and trucks from Thailand. Well done. 
  • Baloffski
    4 years ago
    Excellent Rivo, love some of those bikes,
    Would venture to say I know a couple if those talented builders . Beautiful. 
  • bloodog
    4 years ago
    "Brilliant and Bravo" Rivo
  • Jay-Dee
    4 years ago
    Great pics, some interesting bikes, thanks Rivo.
  • Ratbob
    4 years ago
    Yeah bloody brilliant, they do some brilliant work, bit like our Boogaloo. Wish we had a similar lack of ADRs etc.
  • Humbug
    4 years ago
    Thanks for posting, some very interesting looking bikes. 
  • Baloffski
    4 years ago
    What an amazing talent, aand this time of year around asbout didnt there useed to be the candle  flower thing happenning in the river at night ?
  • Mr.Mow
    4 years ago
    Last year I did kustomfest in Indonesia, art of speed in Malaysia and was a judge at the big custom show in Bangkok, man I can tell you these guys are doing some of the coolest choppers on the planet, the enthusiasm and passion is incredible 
  • Rivo
    4 years ago
    Quoting Baloffski on 02 Oct 2020 05:08 PM

    What an amazing talent, aand this time of year around asbout didnt there useed to be the candle  flower thing happenning in the river at night ?

    Next-month is Loy Krathong in Thailand, its to celebrate the end on the rainy season and start of the cooler season, the bigger cities usually make a big night of it, with candles floating on flowers into rivers or lakes, and then send up balloons with candles lit below, to get them to fly..............quite a sight
  • Baloffski
    4 years ago
    Yes LLoy  Krathong is a wonder, 40 years ago man was there to privilidge the sight, never forget. 
  • pat
    4 years ago
    Where about is this?
    Been to Burapa bike week , had to use airfare or lost money
    Prefer to travel in winter , when the world opens up might do a longish  trip , want to go to Thai bike drag meet too

  • Rivo
    4 years ago
    Quoting pat on 03 Oct 2020 10:47 AM

    Where about is this?

    Been to Burapa bike week , had to use airfare or lost money
    Prefer to travel in winter , when the world opens up might do a longish  trip , want to go to Thai bike drag meet too

    This event was in Muaklek Saraburi Thailand, which if you know Thailand is about halfway inbetween Bangkok and Korat.

    Lots of bike/car shows on all the time, sometimes hard to know when because alot of advertising is in Thai script, saying that most provinces have an annual Bike Show, our bike show in Chiang Rai is in December, I missed lastyears show because I had ridden over to Vietnam for nearly a month.
  • Baloffski
    4 years ago
    up Loy Krathonng was so cool. before made frontb page of Bangkok Times, I was set up.......
    MMaggiclittle flowers with candles floating down the river , people happy and joyous, I loved that memory for a coupla years in 'Chaing Mai Central Prison, in 1980 was a good one to hold./Concrete, the Dark Room, and the byxicle silver coffin that when out every often , THe same fucken one metallic Silver with two bike wheels was a wa to get out though I had a qay to clear thw wall , but the shits moved us after s[pray us with DDT40 , Agent Orange ahit in upper cells. Me , nor couplacohorts have no line following us, sposwe for good and bad I guess. Sprayed our cells for bed bugs and such yhat the DEA supplied a plenty,This was a period when the Americans Pumped zillions into the Thai Economy, if your not aware, there is a longer story/ies I still have memouries of that are true and would b;ow your minds.
    Nice to leave some stuff off of th bowl of fruit we call life. Keep well and mostly look after others, it comes back.