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Rusty/out of use shed photos

  • obisteve
    8 months
    Don't worry about it, just a word we dreamed up here in Qld over too much XXXX and Bundy.
  • obisteve
    4 months
    Old stock man's hut a few kms up Rohlmanns Rd out of Linville
  • obisteve
    2 months
    Old mill workers houses at the Taromeo sawmill.
    Just across the road is the old unused but preserved Jesse's Well, a pumped well for bullock and horse teams from the 1890s.
  • obisteve
    2 months
    OK BOnes, one for you.
    The air crash memorial a couple of kms off the northern end of the Wondai airstrip. Night time crash in 1990, Piper King Air, pilot screwed up depth perception, flew right into trees then the ground on approach.
    Poor bastards.
    And I've just now remembered that I should have stopped in Kingaroy and taken a pic of the old morgue at the airstrip there. I'm sure it was a comfort for all the aircrew trainees who were there in WW2 to know there was a morgue handy on site.
    Next time.
  • B0nes
    2 months
    Quoting obisteve on 02 May 2024 10:08 AMedited: 02 May 2024 10:17 AM

    OK BOnes, one for you.

    The air crash memorial a couple of kms off the northern end of the Wondai airstrip. Night time crash in 1990, Piper King Air, pilot screwed up depth perception, flew right into trees then the ground on approach.
    Poor bastards.
    And I've just now remembered that I should have stopped in Kingaroy and taken a pic of the old morgue at the airstrip there. I'm sure it was a comfort for all the aircrew trainees who were there in WW2 to know there was a morgue handy on site.
    Next time.

    I've read the 22 page report from the ATSB. Dark night with no Moon and no visible horizon, throw in some fatigue and you have a recipe for disaster. Pilot was qualified to fly on instruments but had no formal "human factors" education while he was training. From reading the ATSB report he also made a radio call just after takeoff which could have been a distraction. RIP.

  • obisteve
    2 months
    I see I was mistaken, they were on departure.
  • obisteve
    21 days ago
    Just mucking around up Muddy Creek rd, 
    Dunno if the house is being lived in, lot of tyre tracks through the gate but there was a Donga parked next to the house.