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Video of my ride home in Tassie...

  • Hidiho
    4 years ago
    It's been a while since I posted anything, but I had to get tyres put on the bike and took a video of the ride home after having lunch in St Helens.

    First Time using the Gopro Hero 8 on a ride and wanted to see how it turned out as a test.

    Video goes for 16 minutes and is sped up in some sections and my apologies for the jittering in the video as the video stabilization in the Gopro has caused this effect..
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    4 years ago
    Quoting Hidiho on 30 Nov 2020 10:38 PM

    It's been a while since I posted anything, but I had to get tyres put on the bike and took a video of the ride home after having lunch in St Helens.

    First Time using the Gopro Hero 8 on a ride and wanted to see how it turned out as a test.

    Video goes for 16 minutes and is sped up in some sections and my apologies for the jittering in the video as the video stabilization in the Gopro has caused this effect..

    thanks for posting. I've been there was a while ago, I would have liked to hear the motor! (to me that's the music )

  • Hidiho
    4 years ago
    Quoting Hidiho on 30 Nov 2020 10:38 PM

    It's been a while since I posted anything, but I had to get tyres put on the bike and took a video of the ride home after having lunch in St Helens.

    First Time using the Gopro Hero 8 on a ride and wanted to see how it turned out as a test.

    Video goes for 16 minutes and is sped up in some sections and my apologies for the jittering in the video as the video stabilization in the Gopro has caused this effect..

    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 30 Nov 2020 11:28 PM

    thanks for posting. I've been there was a while ago, I would have liked to hear the motor! (to me that's the music )

    Thanks Krash,

    Unfortunately the Gopro 8 suffers from terrible wind noise and even though the camera has a foam windshield fitted to help reduce the wind noise at 50-60kph you can still hear it but it's not too bad, at 100kph it's straight wind noise and nothing else... which sucks

    Next ride I'll try using the Dive Housing I bought and might also try using an old Gopro with a mic attached as a sound source at the rear of the bike and see how that works..

  • steelo
    4 years ago
    Nicely filmed and edited hidiho. I do agree with other commentators. Would love to hear engine more.  You do take a consistent good line when riding and smooth out a lot of those bends. Thanks for posting. 
  • B0nes
    4 years ago
    Nice. Brings back memories. Spent a week in that area a couple of years ago after we spread the old man's ashes in Binalong Bay. Was his favorite holiday destination. Seriously thought about moving down there, bloody nice place with great roads.
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    4 years ago
    Quoting Hidiho on 30 Nov 2020 10:38 PM

    It's been a while since I posted anything, but I had to get tyres put on the bike and took a video of the ride home after having lunch in St Helens.

    First Time using the Gopro Hero 8 on a ride and wanted to see how it turned out as a test.

    Video goes for 16 minutes and is sped up in some sections and my apologies for the jittering in the video as the video stabilization in the Gopro has caused this effect..

    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 30 Nov 2020 11:28 PM

    thanks for posting. I've been there was a while ago, I would have liked to hear the motor! (to me that's the music )

    Quoting Hidiho on 30 Nov 2020 11:56 PM

    Thanks Krash,

    Unfortunately the Gopro 8 suffers from terrible wind noise and even though the camera has a foam windshield fitted to help reduce the wind noise at 50-60kph you can still hear it but it's not too bad, at 100kph it's straight wind noise and nothing else... which sucks

    Next ride I'll try using the Dive Housing I bought and might also try using an old Gopro with a mic attached as a sound source at the rear of the bike and see how that works..

    Did not think about that.
    When I went around Tassie , I remembered St Mary's & the Elphant? ( think might have had donuts? )
  • Hidiho
    4 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 01 Dec 2020 12:02 AM

    Nicely filmed and edited hidiho. I do agree with other commentators. Would love to hear engine more.  You do take a consistent good line when riding and smooth out a lot of those bends. Thanks for posting. 

    Thanks Steelo, but I think that's the camera making my riding look better...

  • Hidiho
    4 years ago
    Quoting B0nes on 01 Dec 2020 10:40 AM

    Nice. Brings back memories. Spent a week in that area a couple of years ago after we spread the old man's ashes in Binalong Bay. Was his favorite holiday destination. Seriously thought about moving down there, bloody nice place with great roads.

    Thanks BOnes, after dreaming of moving to Tassie for years I came for a holiday and did the West Coast and loved it enough that I bought a place down here and moved down 6 years ago...
  • Hidiho
    4 years ago
    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 30 Nov 2020 11:28 PM

    thanks for posting. I've been there was a while ago, I would have liked to hear the motor! (to me that's the music )

    Quoting Hidiho on 30 Nov 2020 11:56 PM

    Thanks Krash,

    Unfortunately the Gopro 8 suffers from terrible wind noise and even though the camera has a foam windshield fitted to help reduce the wind noise at 50-60kph you can still hear it but it's not too bad, at 100kph it's straight wind noise and nothing else... which sucks

    Next ride I'll try using the Dive Housing I bought and might also try using an old Gopro with a mic attached as a sound source at the rear of the bike and see how that works..

    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 02 Dec 2020 02:44 AM

    Did not think about that.

    When I went around Tassie , I remembered St Mary's & the Elphant? ( think might have had donuts? )

    Wasn't Mt Elephant Fudge coffee shop was it?.... That's the only place I can think of that would have served donuts.

    There's Mt Elephant Pancakes just outside St Marys, but they do Pancakes..
    Were you doing donuts on MT Elephant Pass??????? Just kidding..

  • TJU
    4 years ago
    Quoting Hidiho on 30 Nov 2020 10:38 PM

    It's been a while since I posted anything, but I had to get tyres put on the bike and took a video of the ride home after having lunch in St Helens.

    First Time using the Gopro Hero 8 on a ride and wanted to see how it turned out as a test.

    Video goes for 16 minutes and is sped up in some sections and my apologies for the jittering in the video as the video stabilization in the Gopro has caused this effect..

    Video looks good , but then you do live in one of the Best states in Australia .. And that's coming from a QUEENSLANDER , Lol .

    Anyhow was curious as to where you placed your GoPro .. I like how there is no footage of your hands or fairing or whatever .. A lot of people go for the Chin , Top or Side of Helmet .. Everyone to their own of course but as mentioned I would rather not have anything except clear footage .

    Cheers .
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    4 years ago
    Nice one Hidiho.
    Can only assume you got new tyres in Launny and took the long way home. And why the blazers not?,
    Mrs Farcanal was posted at Fingal with Forestry years ago. Know the area well.
    The whole area is terrible. People should be dissuaded from moving there.
    Like the rest of Tassie, it's just fucked don't come here. Cold and miserable.

  • AJ56
    4 years ago
    I agree Far Canal.  This state is shit, crap roads, no where to ride :) Hidiho where did you get your tires? I got a set online and Richardsons still charged me $200 to fit.  And I took the wheel in for them as well.  When I rang them they quoted $400 for a rear tire with fitting.  Considering I was getting a tire at G&C Cycles in Adelaide fitted for $250 (Dunlop 402), I feel like I am getting bent over and shafted.   

  • Hidiho
    4 years ago
    Quoting Hidiho on 30 Nov 2020 10:38 PM

    It's been a while since I posted anything, but I had to get tyres put on the bike and took a video of the ride home after having lunch in St Helens.

    First Time using the Gopro Hero 8 on a ride and wanted to see how it turned out as a test.

    Video goes for 16 minutes and is sped up in some sections and my apologies for the jittering in the video as the video stabilization in the Gopro has caused this effect..

    Quoting TJU on 02 Dec 2020 07:54 AM

    Video looks good , but then you do live in one of the Best states in Australia .. And that's coming from a QUEENSLANDER , Lol .

    Anyhow was curious as to where you placed your GoPro .. I like how there is no footage of your hands or fairing or whatever .. A lot of people go for the Chin , Top or Side of Helmet .. Everyone to their own of course but as mentioned I would rather not have anything except clear footage .

    Cheers .

    Thanks TJU, quite a few Queenslanders in the town that I'm in and they would have to agree with you...

    I have T-Bars on my bike and have the Gopro mounted directly on the bars with the Jaws Flex Clamp mount, I thought the clamp would move when on the bars when going over bumps but surprisingly it didn't move. bonus is that is takes a second to put on and take off

    I've tried using a Roll Bar mount on the risers as well as on the fork sliders but always seems to end up with the headlight in frame with my older Gopro's.

    Also tried a Chesty mount but that had way too much of the bike/bars in the center of the frame for my liking.

    Like you I prefer a clear image and I'm not keen on sticking Gopro's on an open face helmet.

  • Hidiho
    4 years ago
    Quoting AJ56 on 02 Dec 2020 11:26 PMedited: 02 Dec 2020 11:30 PM

    I agree Far Canal.  This state is shit, crap roads, no where to ride :) Hidiho where did you get your tires? I got a set online and Richardsons still charged me $200 to fit.  And I took the wheel in for them as well.  When I rang them they quoted $400 for a rear tire with fitting.  Considering I was getting a tire at G&C Cycles in Adelaide fitted for $250 (Dunlop 402), I feel like I am getting bent over and shafted.   

    Hi AJ56,

    I bought the Metzeler Marathon ME888 front and rear tyres online from just over a year ago for $462.00 ( plus a free t-shirt and bag of lollies).

    I've only had Dunlops on the bike but decided to try the Metzlers and see how they go.

    I dropped the Tyres off at East Coast Motorcycles in St Helens and rode the bike down the next day as he had the gear to fit the tyres and balance.

    When he was placing the rear back on the bike he asked if I wanted to replace the rear pads as they were getting down pretty low and by chance he happened to have a set of pads there.

    Removal of wheels, fitting of the tyres, balancing of the front tyre and the new brake pads ($50.00) on the rear was a total of $200, took about 3 hours to do the job as he is the only one there and had quite a few interruptions from customers/friends.

    Not sure where you are located and he's hard to get in contact with on the phone (0408 763 163) but might be a better solution than being shafted.


  • Hidiho
    4 years ago
    Quoting Far Canal on 02 Dec 2020 08:59 AM

    Nice one Hidiho.
    Can only assume you got new tyres in Launny and took the long way home. And why the blazers not?,
    Mrs Farcanal was posted at Fingal with Forestry years ago. Know the area well.
    The whole area is terrible. People should be dissuaded from moving there.
    Like the rest of Tassie, it's just fucked don't come here. Cold and miserable.

    Thanks Far Canal,

    As mentioned to AJ56, I actually had the tyres fitted in St Helens, so unfortunately not the long way home.

    I'm in that dump of a place next door to the mine on the way to Fingal, constant traffic noise and on the odd occasion when a tourist is lost and stops the villagers run out with pitchforks and never seen again. I would move from here but i spent all my money on pitchforks as the bloody locals keep pinching them.

    Looking forward to the heatwave (when it comes) just so I can let the fire go out and clear the ashes from the fire before the cold returns again.


  • AJ56
    4 years ago
    Quoting AJ56 on 02 Dec 2020 11:26 PMedited: 02 Dec 2020 11:30 PM

    I agree Far Canal.  This state is shit, crap roads, no where to ride :) Hidiho where did you get your tires? I got a set online and Richardsons still charged me $200 to fit.  And I took the wheel in for them as well.  When I rang them they quoted $400 for a rear tire with fitting.  Considering I was getting a tire at G&C Cycles in Adelaide fitted for $250 (Dunlop 402), I feel like I am getting bent over and shafted.   

    Quoting Hidiho on 03 Dec 2020 12:25 AM

    Hi AJ56,

    I bought the Metzeler Marathon ME888 front and rear tyres online from just over a year ago for $462.00 ( plus a free t-shirt and bag of lollies).

    I've only had Dunlops on the bike but decided to try the Metzlers and see how they go.

    I dropped the Tyres off at East Coast Motorcycles in St Helens and rode the bike down the next day as he had the gear to fit the tyres and balance.

    When he was placing the rear back on the bike he asked if I wanted to replace the rear pads as they were getting down pretty low and by chance he happened to have a set of pads there.

    Removal of wheels, fitting of the tyres, balancing of the front tyre and the new brake pads ($50.00) on the rear was a total of $200, took about 3 hours to do the job as he is the only one there and had quite a few interruptions from customers/friends.

    Not sure where you are located and he's hard to get in contact with on the phone (0408 763 163) but might be a better solution than being shafted.


    Same here, MC Warehouse, I got the Bridgestone Battleaxe to give it a go.  I think I have been out on the bike twice since I had it registered.  I live in Meander valley Council area.  Just down from Carrick.  Very quiet place only 12 houses in the town.  Hopefully the weather improves enough to get out a bit more.  
  • Hidiho
    4 years ago
    Quoting AJ56 on 02 Dec 2020 11:26 PMedited: 02 Dec 2020 11:30 PM

    I agree Far Canal.  This state is shit, crap roads, no where to ride :) Hidiho where did you get your tires? I got a set online and Richardsons still charged me $200 to fit.  And I took the wheel in for them as well.  When I rang them they quoted $400 for a rear tire with fitting.  Considering I was getting a tire at G&C Cycles in Adelaide fitted for $250 (Dunlop 402), I feel like I am getting bent over and shafted.   

    Quoting Hidiho on 03 Dec 2020 12:25 AM

    Hi AJ56,

    I bought the Metzeler Marathon ME888 front and rear tyres online from just over a year ago for $462.00 ( plus a free t-shirt and bag of lollies).

    I've only had Dunlops on the bike but decided to try the Metzlers and see how they go.

    I dropped the Tyres off at East Coast Motorcycles in St Helens and rode the bike down the next day as he had the gear to fit the tyres and balance.

    When he was placing the rear back on the bike he asked if I wanted to replace the rear pads as they were getting down pretty low and by chance he happened to have a set of pads there.

    Removal of wheels, fitting of the tyres, balancing of the front tyre and the new brake pads ($50.00) on the rear was a total of $200, took about 3 hours to do the job as he is the only one there and had quite a few interruptions from customers/friends.

    Not sure where you are located and he's hard to get in contact with on the phone (0408 763 163) but might be a better solution than being shafted.


    Quoting AJ56 on 03 Dec 2020 01:29 AM

    Same here, MC Warehouse, I got the Bridgestone Battleaxe to give it a go.  I think I have been out on the bike twice since I had it registered.  I live in Meander valley Council area.  Just down from Carrick.  Very quiet place only 12 houses in the town.  Hopefully the weather improves enough to get out a bit more.  

    Yeap, she's a bit hit or miss with the weather here at the moment, still alright for a ride if you want to brave the wind and the cold, but the weather could improve a tad.

    42 houses here, the majority of residents are mainlanders and only a handful of born n bred Tasmanians, the town had a bad reputation years back and the neighboring towns haven't forgotten this and question why anyone would want to move there, but as the dynamics of the town changed with the mainlanders moving in it's a totally different town now compared to years ago.   Fun fact: 20% of residents ride road bikes...