Yep,bewdy. There going in with new cam inner bearings obviously etc. Cheers guys
P&L is the shop at 2/200 Toongabbie Rd, Toongabbie, Phone: 9631 1866 - best just to ride over to them and let them have a look. I ...
You've got that right. I've got a black 2017 48 and it must have softest paint i've ever seen. Breath on i ...
Thanks for your help guys.
Thanks for all the information, I'll search someone who can do the RAWS testing as the next step.
Hey Retroman, Sorry mate you are right. Completely forgot that's what they are called. Moz
NSW also introduced a 'MCIS levy' to look after the costs for those injured by a mongrel without insurance, or something l ...
Still got it when ya ready
Hi guys, had a ride of the SG yesterday and with the risk of being attacked on here I didnt like it very much. The screen as you ...
good result!
Nothing but thumbs up so far with Harley Heaven Adelaide. Did my stage 1 with screaming eagle slip ons later changed for S&S taper ...
+1 on changing the oils......NEVER ACCEPT what the prior owner says about the fluids. For $60 or so you can have peace of mind th ...
Sorry for reviving this one, but I'm looking at doing the same thing. I can't find anything on the legalities of a grill on a hea ...
I am going to fit a night rod headlight to my breakout. I all ready have the light and fairing/shroud, I just need a br ...
That's right all sportsters are unit construction. If it is 1974 it is an Iron Head 4 speed 61 cubic inch
Yeah, welcome mate and have a good Chrissy.
Nah that's it, never had this problem before. Might just go chain and sprocket. Could improvise a tensioner... other bikes with a ...
Welcome I like the paintwork.
One of the highlights of the show for me personally was spending some time and being photgraphed by Michael Lichter ...
Welcome back Shingles