Welcome to the forum. HD themselves are probably interested in your $50 accessory at $100 labour cost. Do these simple things your ...
Good for you Bogie. As long as the missus is supportive and there's room in the shed keep it. You'd only be earning 1% on ...
Thanks for the info and 13 1/2 is is then.
Does anyone have a set of 96-03 Sportster mid controls they want to part with? Message me Cheers Waz
Am looking looking.. Thanks for the heads up 6gear, am sure we will work it all out. Plus, my bridge is not big enough for all of ...
I spoke to HD dealer today and they think its a wheel weight??
Hi guys, cheers for your help. My friend has decided to purchase an Ultima ignition, hopefully he won't have any further probl ...
Hi guys. I'm chasing some advice on some sports the rooms. I'm guessing it's not worth re-chroming the spokes ...
Can't see why not. Although different triples for the inverted front end, clamps should be the same. Cable length should be the sa ...
yea i agree, only one looks good. although the terrible one, shows up to that part number. ill have to travel down to a dealer whe ...
Just thought I'd put it up for info.
Yep it does have the Autotune which works very well......once i get it to start
Hey Krackers..Just wondering how many k's where on your bike when it started to play up?? Cheers...
Great photos George. Were photos and memories the only things brought back, no new aquisition?
sorry about number guys , 0408593476 , yes dyna crank
I've got to be the odd one out here, never tantalized my taste buds, hate the shit. But being Australian owed is a bonus, at le ...
Cheers will be a long project but the missus has said I have 12 months to finish it one I land a doner with motor, g/box and prim ...
Steelo, good one, but I think that you've got too much free time ......
Put them both on a relay, switched by the existing cable.
Hi would you know what kit number for the harness you have and would you sell it on its own ?