Online: Wanderer57, Ultramick

DNA Trike Rear end ( Softail)

  • Evo
    13 years ago

    Anyone got any experience with these or DNA products?  Thinking about another project using an old Heritage as a donor bike and mating the rear end to it.  Will set it up as a single seat with a wooden tray.

  • SoftailSteve
    13 years ago
    evo have you seen the frankenstein trike rear end bloke in maitland has one i think its on a dyna was looking at it some time ago and it looked well made
  • walka
    13 years ago
    They are made by Paughco for DNA and are very Cheap and Poor Quailty, We bought one in for a Customer a when they first released them about 2 years ago. I wouldn't use one
  • Evo
    13 years ago
    Thanks for the input fellas, much appreciated. Walka, was hoping either you or Chopaweeza would chime in, appreciate the feedback.
  • jpt290570
    8 years ago

    ive used a dna rear end trike conversion but im not getting any info on regs on the trike

    ive been told that i need to get a $5000 engineer report but i dont unnderstand as its a bolt on kit any info would be great.

    8 years ago
    Send me a pm I have done a trike in the past, can have a long talk.
  • jpt290570
    8 years ago

    With the easy bolt on setup what checks need to be done after install as i have the same thing its a dna rear bolt on rear end no welding and want to know what next where to go or contact to check the bike for roadworthy.

  • War Horse
    War Horse
    8 years ago
    Hi All
    I am new to this forum, found it by re searching DNA trike diffs, the good n bad, they are certinally much cheaper than the Frankenstein diff, especially with the Aust dollar.
    Have had thoughts cutting down a car diff and using, although independent better, have idea on this,
    From my understanding in Qld providing you leave the origional rear guard and suspension you only need a independent inspection from class ???? Roadworthy to approve.
    For reverse had thought using starter motor on cam with 12v solonoid to pull it in, will look into Nippenesendo reduction drive in the posts.
    Any more info on these diffs greatly appreciated

    Thanks Dave