Check out the pic of th ...
I have some of Shark Leathers wet weather gear and its good stuff.
Autotune basic gives about 13 to 13.2 to 1 AFR right up ...
Nice set up the flow bench looks easy to work with. how many inch vacuum does it test at? ...
Can anyone give me some clues what allen key will undo these.............not the actual size...........but will it be metric, SAE, ...
Fuel motoI think it was about $600 or soThe good thing about the tt is that when you run it in auto tune mode is that it doesnt re ...
I'm after the 'Rumble' passenger floorboards from a CVO 2012 model please. Thanks
Thanks everyone who replied with offers and advice. I've managed to find the pipes and get a cert of compliance!
Hi all, no longer searching for this. Thanks!
Take it back to 110 and put your money into the heads (+ maybe better pistons if you fancy a dome) rathe ...
I'd be considering removing the abs completely for those $$$
Damn, I missed this
can I ask, what is it that you do to the baffles in the BR
hook em up to your horn and you'll hear when there working. too
Neales is similar to mine. Pauly maybe yours has been effected by wind, weight, the tune in your bike. I suppose there are lo ...
Welcome Mate, As a fellow nesbie all I ca ...
Welcome to the Forum.
Thanks to all that have chimed in on this and i did notice it has aoil cooler on it Tim. But sure i live on the gold coast but I'm ...