sissy bar

  • Shambells
    7 years ago
    hi all just wondering has anybody moved there sissy bar back couple of inches.
    i have a 2004 super glide with fixed rails for the sissy bar and my problem is 
    there is not much room for the wife to get on. do they make a relocating kit for the 
    sissy bar of do i have to weld some extra pate at the front of the rail and re drill
    the holes.

    please help.

  • Krackers60
    7 years ago
    No much happening for you here at all Shambells.
    Have you come up with a solution?
  • Shambells
    7 years ago
    no not yet i will ring hd in bundaberg to see if they have relocation brackets. there must be a lot of people in my situation
  • Sugar
    7 years ago
    Had the same problem with my breakout. A little modification and all is good. 

  • Sugar
    7 years ago
    Added some 3mm plate to the sides so the bar itself is 30mm back and 40mm higher and welded it. Not very showy but does the job.