Online: HD17

A newbies question on exhausts.

  • See you NT
    See you NT
    8 years ago

    Gday brothers,

    I've got a set of V&H Big Radius pipes on my Fatbob and lately I've noticed that the 'note' of the exhaust seems different. It sounds like a hole in one of the pipes.

    I've pulled off the heat shields and there is definitely no holes and it's not leaking through the mounts on the engine.

    Which leads me to believe a baffle has moved/collapsed or something? It seems to be getting worse.

    When it comes to baffles, I don't know where to start. You might say I'm baffled. Sorry about that......

    So, is this common? How do I remove/replace them?

    Thanks in advance for any advice given. Cheers and beers, Scotty.

  • Kingchops
    8 years ago

    I had the big radius 2 into 2 pipes on my Street Bob and from what I remeber the baffles are held in by a screw on the back of the pipes near the tips.  There are several different baffles available so you can remove them.  Yours may have moved or possibly the baffle has come appart inside.  Only way to know is to remove them and check them out.

  • Wimbo
    8 years ago
    have you looked to see if a baffle is missing? If they are just being held in by the screw that KC is talking about and that comes loose, cya baffle.
  • See you NT
    See you NT
    8 years ago
    Cheers fellas, I knew it would be something simple. I'll have a better po I next time
  • See you NT
    See you NT
    8 years ago

    Well I ripped the baffles out this morning and they're all good. Dunno what else it could be? Maybe I'm just imagining it. Oh well, time for a blat down the road to find a nice cold beer. Beautiful day up here, almost dry season weather.

  • allde
    8 years ago
    What's the Baffle medium (Fibreglass) like?
  • Crowy
    8 years ago
    That's how they are supposed
    to look..
    Cheap & easy to do flange gaskets
    to eliminate.
  • petebob
    8 years ago
    Vance and Hines do "quiet baffles" for all their pipes.
    Certainly doesn't make them legal, but it does take away the very harsh bark.
    Got a set for mine after doing the 103 kit cos it just became down right obnoxious. Think they were $65 or something like that.
    Added bonus was that little bit of fibreglass material got me back a lot of the bottom end torque that was just falling out the end of my pipes.
  • See you NT
    See you NT
    8 years ago

    Pretty sure they don't do them for the big radius. Well, I can't find them anywhere.

  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    V&h do not make quiet baffles for the big radius 2-2 exhaust.....been there done that.

    You're either gonna need to experiment with packing or lolly popping, or get a custom baffle set made up or buy from big city thunder baffles in the USA. Not cheap but they work in taking the edge off. There's another mob in the USA who also make a quiet option for the big radius pipes but not as effective and I can't remember the name sorry.

  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    The other baffle option is at

    Part number is SPZVHBR

    Reports suggest these may work better than the big city thunder baffles and are cheaper. Both will no doubt take the edge off but I found the big city thunder baffles were a lot of money for what they were and what they achieved
  • petebob
    8 years ago
    K. My bad. Pretty sure they used to.
    Also see they have changed the name from "big radius" to "super radius"
  • Boozo
    7 years ago
    Not sure if your pipes are the same as mine but mine had a leak where the muffler joins the exhaust pipe about half way down the bike.
    Gave it a tighten even though it didn't feel loose. Took it to the maximum torque spec for the clamp.
    The leak didn't make the bike loud noisy, it's just that I could hear a leak. More annoying than anything else.
  • See you NT
    See you NT
    7 years ago
    Thanks for that srd0060, Will check 'em out.
  • See you NT
    See you NT
    7 years ago
    Boozo, nah, my pipes are one piece.
  • See you NT
    See you NT
    7 years ago
    The Big Radius quiet baffles seem to be sold out everywhere. A lot of people have been waiting for this product I guess.
    Has anyone tried the Thunder Torque inserts in the Big Radius pipes?