Online: paulybronco

Place to buy "black" replacement wheels?

  • judgelj
    7 years ago
    G'day, hope this is ok here. Im chasing a new set of wheels for the build (black spoke). Same dimensions as a stock chain drive 1200. I found a set on a popular american website but they only had the option of a 21" front. I'd prefer 19" (16" rear). I'd rather not buy from Aus and pay double. Any other suggestions?

  • SRV72
    7 years ago
    Mate I did a bit of research on here recently for similar wheels for my FXDWG. The cheapest place appears to be Check out there web page. You will still have to get some powder coating done though. Worth a look. I could get the wheels delivered for about 1K and then tyres, powder coating and possible spacer / machining - at least 2.5k all done. I did note that their spoked wheels are chromed steel spokes compared to stainless steel spokes on the more expensive alternatives. Good luck

  • judgelj
    7 years ago
    Thanks for the tip, i was hoping to find something in the states as the other set i found came up to about $600 AUD delivered. Pity the sizing wasn't what I wanted. 
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    7 years ago
    you can still get wheels relaced here in australia. just use your hub buy rim & spokes. not hard to do yourself. but need a few things to do the job. but still wheel builder who will lace to your hubs.