Online: Nilo, Hilly

the big C

  • blueystar
    1 year ago
    the big C has come again for the second time beat the first one back in 2011
    doctors say 1 to 2 years before pushing up daisies 
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Arr Blue! That's fucked mate, damn!
  • keith
    1 year ago
    Not good news Blu; got to roll with the punches.
  • blueystar
    1 year ago
    Had  some more test and they took a sample of the mass as they called it got about 2 weeks to wait for results 
    If not aggressive might push my time out to maybe 5 years they said with some cemo
  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    No one here gets out alive Bluey, but it's a pity to leave before the party's over. Good luck with it.
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Sorry to hear big fella...head up and live life.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Lap of Oz?
  • Bigbob
    1 year ago
    Hey Bluey, 

    Yep no argument that's news you don't want to hear. Fucked big time.
    Dealing some some similar shit ATM, Three years ago Oncologist told me 18 months if I was lucky. I told her I will make her look silly with my life expectancy - and have so far.(she's amazed that I'm still here)
    I know there are lots of different types of this NASTY shit but they also have lots of treatments.
    My attitude is - What doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger. (works for me)
    Iv'e had three months of Chemo and four rounds of radiation - got WAY sicker from treatment than thought I would but even on some of my BAD days I managed to get my Shovel out and go for a short ride. Felt WAY better when I got back.
    My Oncologist said what ever your doing keep doing it, I told her her patients need to get an old bike or car. LOL
    A scheduled scan in September came back bad, the shit we had shrunk has doubled in size and there is new tumors/progression.
    They told me there was no more options, but they know I'm a bit out there and they all know by now not gunna lay down to this shit.
    I've started an Immunotherapy to see if we can slow it, I told Oncologist I'll eat broken glass if it will help.(i'm sure she scribbles on my file - crazy as well) 
    New scans end of Jan to see how it's responding.
    On this subject a mate of mine up the coast suffered in silence for three months and passed after refusing treatment - possibly because he new how sick the treatment had made me? But Fuck being sick to get a couple extra years is always a bonus. I wish I'd known he was crook, I would have been onto him about getting/refusing treatment. Life is WAY too good .
    I very rarely comment on forum but lately have plenty of time to check in.
    I see you comment/post stuff on here Blue, so whilst I don't personally know you or what type of the SHIT you are dealing with I wish you all the best mate.
    Be strong, stay positive and like I tell people - We never win every fight in life, but I've never laid down to one either.
    Iv'e got a builder mate and I told him if they put me in a box they had better put four inch bugles in the lid, otherwise I'll kick the fucking lid off.
    Sorry for the short rant

    Blue stay strong, positive enjoy your time with family and do what you love. Makes a big difference I think.


  • blueystar
    1 year ago
    thanks for the comment Rob read it several times and was going to start unloading my toys but now will keep them a bit longer
    they do make me forget the shit that going on when I am doing things to them
  • bloodog
    1 year ago
    Shit news Blue, hoping for the best, the fat lady is still sitting at the table mate.
  • 408
    1 year ago

    Hang in there Blue and keep pushin' back

  • Baloffski
    1 year ago
    Blue , and Bob. 
    You guys are amazing inspiration for any one. Day by day. Health is number one, then you can eat, Ride and just live. I’m on a mountain at moment living in my car, no money , no food, no bike , but that is fuck all, with dirty C you are the survivors blokes . Admired and respected, hang in there, amazing, fight.  Survivors , ( that program hard of ) they got no idea. Stay strong and faith , plus ride if ya can, makes huge difference. Ski
  • blueystar
    1 year ago
    I saw the docs at Perth Royal Hospital today and this cancer is linked to the one I thought had beaten in 2011
    starting chemotherapy in the new year
  • brucefxdl
    1 year ago
    Quoting blueystar on 20 Dec 2023 10:23 AM

    I saw the docs at Perth Royal Hospital today and this cancer is linked to the one I thought had beaten in 2011

    starting chemotherapy in the new year

    good luck with the treatment Bluey.
  • Bigbob
    1 year ago
    Hey Blue

    Good luck with the treatment - Remember what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

    Keep positive 

  • perthhog
    1 year ago
    Good luck with it all bluey life is a cruel bitch this is just another round 
    Keep those beautiful springers  as you said even tinkering with them 
    Takes your mind off the shit that’s going on even if can’t feel the breeze 
    In your face  all the best 
  • Jay-Dee
    1 year ago
    Good luck with your treatment Bluey and I'm looking forward to reading that you've beaten it a second time.
  • softfat
    1 year ago
    Best wishes Bluey, hope all goes well fella.
