was looking for something today to do so bored 9 holes in each floorboard on the springer
With a drill or SG's lol
Well today I thought I would fill in the holes I drilled in the floorboards
Pretty schmick blue.
Was cleaning and putting away some recently used sockets in the shed when I noticed that the inside of the old Bell open face was growing mould. I know the cure for that so I sprayed some vinegar in there, wiped it out and pulled the Sportster out, checked tyre pressure and hit the start button. It cranked but didn't fire after a few repeats. Noticed that the inline fuel filter was empty so figured the strainer on the Golan fuel tap was blocked again. Took the air filter cover off for a bit better access, looked good and clean in there, no mayonese from the engine breather. Undid the fuel line from the tap and clean fuel pissed out. OK look downstream. Took the line off the downstream end of the filter and blew into it, ah the pucker up taste of petrol.
Good one Obi for those'Young Ones' that no not of mechanical things with Carburettors, or Golan, heights, which can all be fixed with a bit of 'blow'. Ah, the cheap fuel buzz for a second. Yukk.
I took the cover off and had a look at the bike.