Online: Hilly, evo94

Solar panels

  • JFE
    5 years ago
    And toilet paper too apparently. 
    If you take a particular medication, be worth making sure it doesn’t come from China or somewhere that’s going into COVID-19 lockdown. If so, I’d get a couple of scripts filled.
    Back to solar panels now...
  • bloodog
    5 years ago
    Quoting JFE on 27 Feb 2020 07:52 AM

    And toilet paper too apparently. 

    If you take a particular medication, be worth making sure it doesn’t come from China or somewhere that’s going into COVID-19 lockdown. If so, I’d get a couple of scripts filled.
    Back to solar panels now...

    Good post JFE I look after 2 granny's 
  • paulybronco
    5 years ago
    Well today is the smart meter hook up day.....
  • paulybronco
    5 years ago
    Well sparky took around 20 min and we we were up and running. S from 10am to 6:15 pm roughly 7 hrs we generated 49.9kwh. We use around 27kwh give or take. So as a guestimation 22.9kwh back into the system @ .17 per kwh= $3.89 profit for the day. Still think the system is good for 60kwh and if so the deal is far sweeter @ $5.61 per day x 365 days= $2050. Let you know
  • JFE
    5 years ago
    Careful PB - Trad will find a way to tax you for using Qld sunshine.
  • paulybronco
    5 years ago
    Quoting JFE on 03 Mar 2020 10:42 AM

    Careful PB - Trad will find a way to tax you for using Qld sunshine.

    Fuck me they found every other way
  • paulybronco
    5 years ago
    Quote source removed.
    Well its very easy....pick an industry , get yourself a workforce and see what countless other companies have found out....we are way too expensive to produce a similar quality product to cheap overseas labour. 
  • bloodog
    5 years ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 03 Mar 2020 10:30 AM

    Well sparky took around 20 min and we we were up and running. S from 10am to 6:15 pm roughly 7 hrs we generated 49.9kwh. We use around 27kwh give or take. So as a guestimation 22.9kwh back into the system @ .17 per kwh= $3.89 profit for the day. Still think the system is good for 60kwh and if so the deal is far sweeter @ $5.61 per day x 365 days= $2050. Let you know

    great work Paul sticking to this post like shit to a blanket 
  • boxa
    5 years ago
    Just put my order in yesterday ,,, 7.9 klw , trina honey panels ,  6kw  solar edge invertor  , panels individually monitered with  cell optimiser or some such stuff  , clenergy roof rail system  $6800 ,, a 6,6 system was $5800 , a !0kw system  $8200
    Done my homework and seems Trinia are a reputable brand with a 12 year warranty  ,    its  a headache researching everything ,, was going to go  with REC panels but it upped the price considerably ,,, Its a balancing act , because we live in a big house , at 62 , i'll probably be downsizing in 10-12 years , providing i don't drop of the perch , either way i looked at 10-12 years of use and the 7.9 gets my money back in about 3 years  or less , at least that what they tell me .

    Now regards buying Australian , there is an Adelaide place that claims to be the only panel manufacturer in Aust ,,   I rang for a quote ,   now bear in mind there not a teir 1 company , which really only means they hav'nt got the financial backup and could go to the wall anytime they want to . Anyway ,,  I got a price  comparision before i moved to what i'm getting and the comparison was this

    Trinia or  canadian solar panels  6,6kw system  Forinus invertor ...............$5800

     LG panels , Fronius invertor  ..................................................................$8200 ....   the extra because apparantly LG are reputed to be the rolls royce bee knees  panels ,, from what i can gather .

    Adelaide firm ,   There panels ,,, Fronius invertor   WAIT FOR IT ................$11000 .

    i ASKED WHY THE HUGE COST OVER EVERYONE ELSE ESPECIELLY lg PANELS ,,,, was told  made in Australia mate you get what you pay for ,,, i asked  made or manufactured ,, with imported parts  would'nt tell me ,,,  come look at the factory we have open door he said , you can see them being put together ,,  aargh but can i see them being made , no comment , why the huge cost then , made here no shipping  costs and 3rd party costs ,, no comment .

    Looked at there facebook page ,, dozens asking for quotes ,  all same answer i've inboxed you ,,,  one fella asks are they gauranteed made in Aust  , no comment ,,,   i ask them why don't you answer and why are you so expensive ,, i got blocked LOL .

    You have to be very careful of ANYONE who claims to be made in Australia ,,  looking at alarm and camera systems , you would be suprised how many made in Australia  cameras are just re badged chinese chunk , the only bit done in australia is  putting a differnt badge on
  • paulybronco
    5 years ago
    Today was the first full day......was cloudy off and on but 63.6kwh . Going to up my claim saying that 70kwh is definitely achievable with this system on a full sun day. Next 5 days are predicted rainy
  • paulybronco
    5 years ago
    Quoting boxa on 04 Mar 2020 12:33 AM

    Just put my order in yesterday ,,, 7.9 klw , trina honey panels ,  6kw  solar edge invertor  , panels individually monitered with  cell optimiser or some such stuff  , clenergy roof rail system  $6800 ,, a 6,6 system was $5800 , a !0kw system  $8200
    Done my homework and seems Trinia are a reputable brand with a 12 year warranty  ,    its  a headache researching everything ,, was going to go  with REC panels but it upped the price considerably ,,, Its a balancing act , because we live in a big house , at 62 , i'll probably be downsizing in 10-12 years , providing i don't drop of the perch , either way i looked at 10-12 years of use and the 7.9 gets my money back in about 3 years  or less , at least that what they tell me .

    Now regards buying Australian , there is an Adelaide place that claims to be the only panel manufacturer in Aust ,,   I rang for a quote ,   now bear in mind there not a teir 1 company , which really only means they hav'nt got the financial backup and could go to the wall anytime they want to . Anyway ,,  I got a price  comparision before i moved to what i'm getting and the comparison was this

    Trinia or  canadian solar panels  6,6kw system  Forinus invertor ...............$5800

     LG panels , Fronius invertor  ..................................................................$8200 ....   the extra because apparantly LG are reputed to be the rolls royce bee knees  panels ,, from what i can gather .

    Adelaide firm ,   There panels ,,, Fronius invertor   WAIT FOR IT ................$11000 .

    i ASKED WHY THE HUGE COST OVER EVERYONE ELSE ESPECIELLY lg PANELS ,,,, was told  made in Australia mate you get what you pay for ,,, i asked  made or manufactured ,, with imported parts  would'nt tell me ,,,  come look at the factory we have open door he said , you can see them being put together ,,  aargh but can i see them being made , no comment , why the huge cost then , made here no shipping  costs and 3rd party costs ,, no comment .

    Looked at there facebook page ,, dozens asking for quotes ,  all same answer i've inboxed you ,,,  one fella asks are they gauranteed made in Aust  , no comment ,,,   i ask them why don't you answer and why are you so expensive ,, i got blocked LOL .

    You have to be very careful of ANYONE who claims to be made in Australia ,,  looking at alarm and camera systems , you would be suprised how many made in Australia  cameras are just re badged chinese chunk , the only bit done in australia is  putting a differnt badge on

    Boxa think you have sourced a very good system , as you said you can spend a motsa chasing the ultimate combo. 
  • ralphski
    5 years ago
    installed solar in 2010, $8850
    2.9 KWP, Solar Frontier panels ( Japan ) and SMA inverter ( Germany )
    54 cents feed in
    haven't paid a power or gas bill in 10 years, feed in pays for the gas bill
  • paulybronco
    5 years ago
    Quoting ralphski on 05 Mar 2020 10:45 AM

    installed solar in 2010, $8850

    2.9 KWP, Solar Frontier panels ( Japan ) and SMA inverter ( Germany )
    54 cents feed in
    haven't paid a power or gas bill in 10 years, feed in pays for the gas bill

  • paulybronco
    5 years ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 04 Mar 2020 08:00 AM

    Today was the first full day......was cloudy off and on but 63.6kwh . Going to up my claim saying that 70kwh is definitely achievable with this system on a full sun day. Next 5 days are predicted rainy

    LOL you have to laugh, weeks leading up tp solar power have been cloudless. Had a 58.1kw day, 34.9, 23 and today 23.....fuck my wife
  • Rivo
    5 years ago
    Quote source removed.
    We all voted with our feet and chose not to buy Australian made cars, the sales numbers are the proof over the years.....................I am guilty of not supporting the Australian Car manufacturing business as I chose to buy Toyota as I think it is a superior product.
    It all get backs to the cost of manufacture any product, and Australian wages are just too high in comparison to the SEA manufacturers, just a fact of life, the Australian people chose not to pay more for Australian made products, hence the companies are no longer in business
  • Soapbox2627
    5 years ago
    Quoting Rivo on 09 Mar 2020 12:08 PM

    We all voted with our feet and chose not to buy Australian made cars, the sales numbers are the proof over the years.....................I am guilty of not supporting the Australian Car manufacturing business as I chose to buy Toyota as I think it is a superior product.

    It all get backs to the cost of manufacture any product, and Australian wages are just too high in comparison to the SEA manufacturers, just a fact of life, the Australian people chose not to pay more for Australian made products, hence the companies are no longer in business

    I drive a Ford
  • paulybronco
    5 years ago
    Quoting Rivo on 09 Mar 2020 12:08 PM

    We all voted with our feet and chose not to buy Australian made cars, the sales numbers are the proof over the years.....................I am guilty of not supporting the Australian Car manufacturing business as I chose to buy Toyota as I think it is a superior product.

    It all get backs to the cost of manufacture any product, and Australian wages are just too high in comparison to the SEA manufacturers, just a fact of life, the Australian people chose not to pay more for Australian made products, hence the companies are no longer in business

    Quoting Soapbox2627 on 09 Mar 2020 01:02 PM

    I drive a Ford

    A Ford what.....
  • Soapbox2627
    5 years ago
    Quoting Rivo on 09 Mar 2020 12:08 PM

    We all voted with our feet and chose not to buy Australian made cars, the sales numbers are the proof over the years.....................I am guilty of not supporting the Australian Car manufacturing business as I chose to buy Toyota as I think it is a superior product.

    It all get backs to the cost of manufacture any product, and Australian wages are just too high in comparison to the SEA manufacturers, just a fact of life, the Australian people chose not to pay more for Australian made products, hence the companies are no longer in business

    Quoting Soapbox2627 on 09 Mar 2020 01:02 PM

    I drive a Ford

    Quoting paulybronco on 09 Mar 2020 09:55 PM

    A Ford what.....

    Ranger 2018
    before that
    AU XR6 99
    XD Fairmont Ghia
    ZG Fairlane
  • bloodog
    5 years ago
    You lads have an opinion on this system I had a google word is the double glass breaks down the solar inlay but with a 12 year warranty on product and 30 year on performance may be ok. 
