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Million dollar bogun is back at it.

  • steelo
    3 years ago
    Hey PB. Hang on a carnival ride minute there sunshine!!
    We know your back story, You know my story.
    What's Mick's before we let him in.
    We need to be sure he likes a drink and has loose morals
  • steelo
    3 years ago
    Quite enjoyable.
    I think he can ride. I haven't seen anyone in shorts get on a RK on the beach from "side saddle" to riding. Interesting
  • bloodog
    3 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 16 Jan 2022 08:48 AMedited: 16 Jan 2022 09:15 AM

    Quite enjoyable.
    I think he can ride. I haven't seen anyone in shorts get on a RK on the beach from "side saddle" to riding. Interesting

    Have not seen the last blog but have really been enjoying his trip so far to Port Douglas 
    Got to admit he is very good at making this stuff 
  • steelo
    3 years ago
    Pure MDB entertainment.
  • beaglebasher
    3 years ago
    You obviously have too much time on your hands steelo.
    Do you watch The Young and the Restless on the tv of an afternoon?
    Or Days of Our Lives ?  I was waiting for her to get her tits out but I ran out of patience about 3 and half minutes in.
  • steelo
    3 years ago
    Thanks bb. I actually had time to take the bike across town for repairs, meet a mate for a cuppa, mow the lawn, watch Harley Davidson and Marlboro man after seeing the poster at fearless, cook tea on the bbq, watch Danny, play with dogs, sweep footpath of leaves, watch bbl, 
    I lost patience with v after 2 minutes as well but I might be disappointed if she did drop the top. She looks better made up and in clothes. Bought the missus a new dress the other day
  • Baloffski
    3 years ago
    Did someone say drink?
    Disappointed in your appraisal of myself Mr.S. I mean, firstly who in a non-alcohol state of mind could produce some of the garbage I have typed and passed on to my fellow forumites in the belief that it made sense.Next morals, ha, I have been known to chase a rat up a drainpipe in my time. My story is too boring to mention, if I  did I'd have to kill you. 
    I rest my case, beer, I enjoy any beer, except for one. In Victoria, not long after being brought here, there was a beer strike in 84, and there was some NSW shit getting around, can't remenber the name but it was pox, in a silver can, will never forget that shit. Even Boags was 10 times better. 
    Back to the m$Bogan, how does he make any money when he's cruising around the country side, decking out his assortment of Harleys? Looking forward to his Road Glide Project.
  • steelo
    3 years ago
    Just in BTLOI
  • paulybronco
    3 years ago
    Ha Ha how does a Victorian in QLD blend in with the locals....strap a $1500 bumbag on to himself, put some virgin white joggers on with some shorts that gilligan would wear and a attitude that everyone else is a dill. The first dude in the previous vid in the 4x4 recognised a Victorian and bolted. Not very cool putting that shop owner on show in the Daintree either....thought he learnt his lesson filming himself dropping oil in the desert and getting fined by epa.
  • binnsy
    3 years ago
    Quoting Baloffski on 18 Jan 2022 09:58 AM

    Did someone say drink?

    Disappointed in your appraisal of myself Mr.S. I mean, firstly who in a non-alcohol state of mind could produce some of the garbage I have typed and passed on to my fellow forumites in the belief that it made sense.Next morals, ha, I have been known to chase a rat up a drainpipe in my time. My story is too boring to mention, if I  did I'd have to kill you. 
    I rest my case, beer, I enjoy any beer, except for one. In Victoria, not long after being brought here, there was a beer strike in 84, and there was some NSW shit getting around, can't remenber the name but it was pox, in a silver can, will never forget that shit. Even Boags was 10 times better. 
    Back to the m$Bogan, how does he make any money when he's cruising around the country side, decking out his assortment of Harleys? Looking forward to his Road Glide Project.

    Makes a fortune out of subscribers to his you tube channel.  

  • paulybronco
    3 years ago
    Quoting Baloffski on 18 Jan 2022 09:58 AM

    Did someone say drink?

    Disappointed in your appraisal of myself Mr.S. I mean, firstly who in a non-alcohol state of mind could produce some of the garbage I have typed and passed on to my fellow forumites in the belief that it made sense.Next morals, ha, I have been known to chase a rat up a drainpipe in my time. My story is too boring to mention, if I  did I'd have to kill you. 
    I rest my case, beer, I enjoy any beer, except for one. In Victoria, not long after being brought here, there was a beer strike in 84, and there was some NSW shit getting around, can't remenber the name but it was pox, in a silver can, will never forget that shit. Even Boags was 10 times better. 
    Back to the m$Bogan, how does he make any money when he's cruising around the country side, decking out his assortment of Harleys? Looking forward to his Road Glide Project.

    Quoting binnsy on 18 Jan 2022 10:17 PM

    Makes a fortune out of subscribers to his you tube channel.  

    Watched a youtube guy based in Thailand who does some cool vids explain how much and how he makes his money. In Nov there is a surge of advertising dollars due to holidays in the USA and if his vids have 5 million views he gets $22500 us $ for the month. Out of those peak seasons he would get around $9900 us $ for the same views. Not bad coin
  • steelo
    3 years ago
  • paulybronco
    3 years ago
    Yes was a good vid
  • brucefxdl
    3 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 20 Jan 2022 10:29 AMedited: 20 Jan 2022 10:59 AM


    going to have to say, they probably won't be doing the tele track, serious deep crossings there and probably impassible in the wet, if not closed....going on the development road all the way. yes Steelo, entertaining in a way.......

  • steelo
    3 years ago
    Quite enjoyable. Fantastic scenery. Tell you what, I'm never going to complain if I can't get sprinkles on my chocolate donut.
  • paulybronco
    3 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 22 Jan 2022 09:57 AMedited: 22 Jan 2022 10:25 AM

    Quite enjoyable. Fantastic scenery. Tell you what, I'm never going to complain if I can't get sprinkles on my chocolate donut.

    When it rains in QLD it really rains up that way! (Spelling and grammar correct hopefully)
  • brucefxdl
    3 years ago
    lions den hotel is definitely worth the stop,was pretty quiet when we were there on the way to the tip via the tele track.... in the dry season.

  • steelo
    3 years ago
    Quite entertaining. Love the music, scenery and filmography. Poor old V must feel like she went to sleep a princess and woke up in a swamp after being kissed by an ogre. She's a "good" sport though, most of the time.
  • steelo
    3 years ago
  • steelo
    3 years ago