Videos for no reason

  • obisteve
    2 years ago
    Saw them live in Brisbane in late '70s, a great show.
    And for something completely different from the usual style of Harley imagery, a trip to a different continent for Sportster owners who have dreamed of a scrambler.
    Not a leather vest in sight anywhere.
  • steelo
    2 years ago
    Another music video.
    Young female pianist at a mall / railway station plays music from Interstellar.
    If you've seen the movie, both it and the soundtrack are mindblowing.
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    2 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 11 Apr 2022 10:33 AM

    Another music video.
    Young female pianist at a mall / railway station plays music from Interstellar.
    If you've seen the movie, both it and the soundtrack are mindblowing.

    Wow! That could not have been much better.
    Unless she played it naked.
    What a horn bag.
  • GGUser260
    2 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 11 Apr 2022 10:33 AM

    Another music video.
    Young female pianist at a mall / railway station plays music from Interstellar.
    If you've seen the movie, both it and the soundtrack are mindblowing.

    Quoting Far Canal on 11 Apr 2022 10:42 AM

    Wow! That could not have been much better.
    Unless she played it naked.
    What a horn bag.

  • bloodog
    2 years ago
  • steelo
    2 years ago
    I think we can safely say Janice's role as a volunteer "mentor” “friend" and "carer" quietly ended that day
  • obisteve
    2 years ago
    This is one is to help put M$B's exploits into perspective. Good on him for riding out and enjoying himself, and having a go at getting to remote places, but is anyone on here surprised that Harley's run down dirt roads pretty well?
    Anyway, PB perhaps this is the bike for the Telegraph Track. Let us know if you see any up there.
    Gentlemen, for your enjoyment let me bring to your attention Goldwing motocross!
    The shots of the debris on the track at the end are brilliant.

  • paulybronco
    2 years ago
    Quoting obisteve on 19 Apr 2022 10:50 AM

    This is one is to help put M$B's exploits into perspective. Good on him for riding out and enjoying himself, and having a go at getting to remote places, but is anyone on here surprised that Harley's run down dirt roads pretty well?

    Anyway, PB perhaps this is the bike for the Telegraph Track. Let us know if you see any up there.
    Gentlemen, for your enjoyment let me bring to your attention Goldwing motocross!
    The shots of the debris on the track at the end are brilliant.

    Ha Ha Steve reminds me of the Obi before they get around to grading it!
  • brucefxdl
    2 years ago
    not a bad job of throwing a couple of leadwings around the track.
  • paulybronco
    2 years ago
    Not a bad effort around 3.25 min into the vid..

  • GGUser260
    2 years ago
    This is addictive to watch
  • paulybronco
    2 years ago
    It would be great to have that sort of computer knowledge
  • steelo
    2 years ago
    Those of you in the know will be aware and delighted that the final season (6) of Better Call Saul is currently showing on Stan.
    BCS is the prequel to the sensational Breaking Bad series.
    I watched BB before Binge watching BCS.
    Then I saw the movie El Camino which is the sequel movie to BB. I was mind blown by the whole story. (I know it's not real..)
    It has been quite a period of despair while I waited months for the final series of BCS which has arrived but as I don't have Stan, I may have to view courtesy of friends.
    Anyway, I was on YT this evening and saw that someone had taken the time to put together an hour and 20 summary of BB.
    Thought I'd link it for you to help you remember or give you a thirst for the original BB. There are probably others but this one is nicely done. Settle in with a drink and something to eat.
  • GGUser260
    2 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 01 May 2022 12:08 PM

    Those of you in the know will be aware and delighted that the final season (6) of Better Call Saul is currently showing on Stan.
    BCS is the prequel to the sensational Breaking Bad series.
    I watched BB before Binge watching BCS.
    Then I saw the movie El Camino which is the sequel movie to BB. I was mind blown by the whole story. (I know it's not real..)
    It has been quite a period of despair while I waited months for the final series of BCS which has arrived but as I don't have Stan, I may have to view courtesy of friends.
    Anyway, I was on YT this evening and saw that someone had taken the time to put together an hour and 20 summary of BB.
    Thought I'd link it for you to help you remember or give you a thirst for the original BB. There are probably others but this one is nicely done. Settle in with a drink and something to eat.

    's all good man
  • fatbat
    2 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 01 May 2022 12:08 PM

    Those of you in the know will be aware and delighted that the final season (6) of Better Call Saul is currently showing on Stan.
    BCS is the prequel to the sensational Breaking Bad series.
    I watched BB before Binge watching BCS.
    Then I saw the movie El Camino which is the sequel movie to BB. I was mind blown by the whole story. (I know it's not real..)
    It has been quite a period of despair while I waited months for the final series of BCS which has arrived but as I don't have Stan, I may have to view courtesy of friends.
    Anyway, I was on YT this evening and saw that someone had taken the time to put together an hour and 20 summary of BB.
    Thought I'd link it for you to help you remember or give you a thirst for the original BB. There are probably others but this one is nicely done. Settle in with a drink and something to eat.

    Steelo if you’ve only got the last season to watch, why not get a month’s free trial of stan and you’ll smash it in a few days anyway. Otherwise the standard subscription is only $10 a month if you’ve already used the free trial
  • obisteve
    2 years ago
    Now this is a strange bit of fun but weirdly appealing. It strikes me that I've got some tall trees and a 40 year old XL250 and about 40ft of old snigging chain......
  • paulybronco
    2 years ago
    Quoting obisteve on 02 May 2022 09:28 AM

    Now this is a strange bit of fun but weirdly appealing. It strikes me that I've got some tall trees and a 40 year old XL250 and about 40ft of old snigging chain......

    Not a bad ad for the shed builder either!
  • obisteve
    2 years ago
    Quoting obisteve on 02 May 2022 09:28 AM

    Now this is a strange bit of fun but weirdly appealing. It strikes me that I've got some tall trees and a 40 year old XL250 and about 40ft of old snigging chain......

    Quoting paulybronco on 02 May 2022 10:59 AM

    Not a bad ad for the shed builder either!

    True! When I bought my Obi shed, the display one had a Chevy big block chained to a roof beam that the sales blokes would give a push to set it swinging.
  • obisteve
    2 years ago
    Now this sleazy classic is the best biker movie you never heard of. Never released in Oz. Just a bunch of mates on the way to Daytona for the races; I never had this much fun on the way to Bathurst, not even in 82.
    If the trailer grabbed you attention, the whole thing is on VIMEO.
    "We're goin!"

  • Baloffski
    2 years ago
    Very funny obi- was a pre zombie movie with W.Defoe going to Bathurst, mean Daytona.
