Online: paulybronco, Rextheute2022

Your other "non-Harley" Bike?

  • obisteve
    3 years ago
    OK, this is another one of my bikes, sitting in front of the old school I bought when I sold up at Obi Obi.

  • paulybronco
    3 years ago
    Quoting obisteve on 02 Mar 2022 11:14 AMedited: 02 Mar 2022 11:21 AM

    OK, this is another one of my bikes, sitting in front of the old school I bought when I sold up at Obi Obi.

    You have a few Victory bikes Steve.
  • obisteve
    3 years ago
    Got this when I retired last year. Was looking for an indulgent one for the days my wife doesn't want to ride with me. Was looking for a Cross Bones, test rode an R18, still got the Sporty but thought about a 1600 square motor for it, then this turned up, right price, low kms for one of these motors, got 140,000 kms on the other one with zero problems not caused by where and how I rode it, so shook the moths out of the wallet and grabbed it. Picked up a Progressive shock for it from a mate on the Gold Coast. Puts a smile on my dial, as do both the Sporty and the other Victory. 
    Might hop it up, can get 120 hp out of these with pretty minor effort. My mates on the Goldie dynos at 130 hp, big bore, cams, tapered dual runner intake, Maximus tune and 60 dyno runs to adjust everything perfectly.
  • obisteve
    2 years ago
    Quoting wadewilson on 26 Feb 2022 01:36 AM

    Feck me, Obi. I have lost a couple of nuts and bolts and even a screwdriver once, but I have never lost a whole motorcycle!!!

    Looks like it would make a good farm hack or neat little restoration job to whittle away those afternoons you aren't out riding.

    Come on Wade,  you must have lost a 10mm socket or ring spanner as well. The shed at Obi was pretty full.....
    Took a 1923 piano to the tip during the emptying process.

  • brucefxdl
    2 years ago
    looks like a piano
  • steelo
    2 years ago
    Quoting brucefxdl on 04 Mar 2022 09:18 AM

    looks like a piano

    Is that to “scale”. 😆 
  • Soapbox2627
    2 years ago
    Quoting brucefxdl on 04 Mar 2022 09:18 AM

    looks like a piano

    Quoting steelo on 04 Mar 2022 10:08 AM

    Is that to “scale”. 😆 

    you get a tuna to scale it with chopsticks Steelo, thats the keys
  • steelo
    2 years ago
    I’ll make a note of it. 
  • obisteve
    2 years ago
    Quoting brucefxdl on 04 Mar 2022 09:18 AM

    looks like a piano

    Well it accordianed right up when they drove the end loader over it, lifted it up and dumped it in the skip.
  • steelo
    2 years ago
    Quoting wadewilson on 26 Feb 2022 01:36 AM

    Feck me, Obi. I have lost a couple of nuts and bolts and even a screwdriver once, but I have never lost a whole motorcycle!!!

    Looks like it would make a good farm hack or neat little restoration job to whittle away those afternoons you aren't out riding.

    Quoting obisteve on 03 Mar 2022 12:52 PM

    Come on Wade,  you must have lost a 10mm socket or ring spanner as well. The shed at Obi was pretty full.....

    Took a 1923 piano to the tip during the emptying process.

    Not much chance of ww losing anything. I’ve seen his bikes, cars and workshop. 
  • wadewilson
    2 years ago
    Obi, the last thing I lost was my virginity.

    Seriously though, I did leave a spanner under the bonnet of a customer's car once. I broke one of my cardinal rules "Do not let the vehicle out of the workshop till everything has been tidied and put away". When I realised I jumped on the sporty and rode to their house about 20kms away to get it back. Actually beat them home...
  • obisteve
    2 years ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 17 Feb 2022 09:50 AM

    Had a quick ride thru the mountains today

    Hi Pauly, in about a month after its dried out a bit, and the locals have sorted out the crossings, want to run one of the roads up the mountains west of Imbil or Kandanga? Bella Ck Rd/Kingaham Rd out of Imbil, or Hart Rd out of Kandanga, can get Streetview of Bella Ck road so you can preview. Think of it practice for the Cape.
  • paulybronco
    2 years ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 17 Feb 2022 09:50 AM

    Had a quick ride thru the mountains today

    Quoting obisteve on 10 Mar 2022 10:59 AM

    Hi Pauly, in about a month after its dried out a bit, and the locals have sorted out the crossings, want to run one of the roads up the mountains west of Imbil or Kandanga? Bella Ck Rd/Kingaham Rd out of Imbil, or Hart Rd out of Kandanga, can get Streetview of Bella Ck road so you can preview. Think of it practice for the Cape.

    Steve would love to but about to start a fairly serious reno at home starting next week, not looking forward to days on end on the jackhammer getting the old tiles up. 
  • obisteve
    2 years ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 17 Feb 2022 09:50 AM

    Had a quick ride thru the mountains today

    Quoting obisteve on 10 Mar 2022 10:59 AM

    Hi Pauly, in about a month after its dried out a bit, and the locals have sorted out the crossings, want to run one of the roads up the mountains west of Imbil or Kandanga? Bella Ck Rd/Kingaham Rd out of Imbil, or Hart Rd out of Kandanga, can get Streetview of Bella Ck road so you can preview. Think of it practice for the Cape.

    Quoting paulybronco on 10 Mar 2022 11:19 AM

    Steve would love to but about to start a fairly serious reno at home starting next week, not looking forward to days on end on the jackhammer getting the old tiles up. 

    I do understand, I did a year long reno on both house and property before Obi Obi sold last Easter. Been finding it hard to get into some needed painting at the old school this year, reno fatigue. Obi came up looking pretty good though.
  • paulybronco
    2 years ago
    Quoting obisteve on 10 Mar 2022 10:59 AM

    Hi Pauly, in about a month after its dried out a bit, and the locals have sorted out the crossings, want to run one of the roads up the mountains west of Imbil or Kandanga? Bella Ck Rd/Kingaham Rd out of Imbil, or Hart Rd out of Kandanga, can get Streetview of Bella Ck road so you can preview. Think of it practice for the Cape.

    Quoting paulybronco on 10 Mar 2022 11:19 AM

    Steve would love to but about to start a fairly serious reno at home starting next week, not looking forward to days on end on the jackhammer getting the old tiles up. 

    Quoting obisteve on 11 Mar 2022 09:54 AM

    I do understand, I did a year long reno on both house and property before Obi Obi sold last Easter. Been finding it hard to get into some needed painting at the old school this year, reno fatigue. Obi came up looking pretty good though.

    NOT looking forward to it at all!
  • obisteve
    2 years ago
    Well you could always sell it as is before the boom ends and move to The Island.
    Might have to buy a Pan America, although the BM should be suitable.
    Probably good to get an old Lee Enfield for the deer and feral pigs as well. It's 100m from the beach so no crocs in the front yard.
  • paulybronco
    2 years ago
    Well starting to get the bike together for upcoming trip to the tip. Wheels away getting new boots on and the trusty locktight being applied to bits that may rattle off. 
  • steelo
    2 years ago
  • Baloffski
    2 years ago
    and people reackon motorcycles are a money trap. Ha!
    Houses suck dollars big time.
    obi ya just in luck, if required.
    Just so happens I have a pristine sportsterised 1917 Lee Enfield .303 that I am selling. Had it for years, well, not since new though.
    Reasonably accurate, has sling, even throw in 'British .303' reloading die, and I dunno, 20 or is it 50 rounds of reloads, can't remember. Anyway it'll keep those pesky Ruskies at bay. 
    Remember better dead than red, and black motorcycles rule.(hate that saying)