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  • obisteve
    1 year ago

    A bit of a downer, but I do like The Last Knife Fighters rusty hinge voice. And the well worn panhead in the video.
    The bloke in the vid is trying to flog you his over priced clothing brand, but he's not poncing around as much as in some of his other videos, and you don't have to buy to enjoy the video.
  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    Quoting Grease Monkey on 18 Nov 2023 06:48 AM

    Might be up Obi's track

    Sorry mate, I still can't get your links to work. I imagine you're pasting them in while logged into a YouTube account. 
    Could I ask a favour to have you put up the name of the band and song as well as the link?
    I am interested in what music people like, it presents an opportunity to learn about new stuff.
  • 408
    1 year ago

    Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band  Sweet and Low
    Works for me but I have a youtube account too
  • brucefxdl
    1 year ago
    a good dose of Santana clears the day.
  • Baloffski
    1 year ago
    WOW. GM 
    That song was like a tight little town , with Strangers beware. I liked it . 
  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    Nice one GM. Thanks for putting in the name.
  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    I moved over 2 1/2 years ago now, but still haven't fully unpacked a shipping container. Went ratting through it today looking for some old friends, pulled out a couple of tubs of cds, found this one. The Angels were one of the great bands of their time, I've danced to them when straight, drunk and drug fucked, loved to watch them play, parked the bike outside the venue and always rode it home or wherever I was going afterwards.
    Doc Neeson was one of the great frontmen and killer songwriter.
    Here he revisits his old songs with love.
    Sorry, there's no crowd to add the real chorus, so you're gonna have to shout it out yourself, you know you want to.

  • evo94
    1 year ago
    first time seen The Angels was around 1980-ish tour in NZ - sooo good....cant remember who they toured with att....maybe The Flowers?? (Icehouse)...or Cold Chisel, Midnight Oil - bit of a blur for some reason :)
  • bloodog
    1 year ago
    Quoting obisteve on 20 Dec 2023 10:24 AMedited: 20 Dec 2023 10:36 AM

    I moved over 2 1/2 years ago now, but still haven't fully unpacked a shipping container. Went ratting through it today looking for some old friends, pulled out a couple of tubs of cds, found this one. The Angels were one of the great bands of their time, I've danced to them when straight, drunk and drug fucked, loved to watch them play, parked the bike outside the venue and always rode it home or wherever I was going afterwards.

    Doc Neeson was one of the great frontmen and killer songwriter.
    Here he revisits his old songs with love.
    Sorry, there's no crowd to add the real chorus, so you're gonna have to shout it out yourself, you know you want to.

  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Still listen to the angel's, seen em in Perth, 85?, was great, doc jumped out of the scaff above the band, didn't land well lol, carried on though, big heap of Maoris got into a brawl with each other just after I pushed to the front, that was exciting haha, band kept playing πŸ˜‚
  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    Saw them play in a big paddock back of Noosa in 84?, Doc was on crutches with a broken ankle after a speaker stack jump went wrong at the previous gig.
    I do love the original full band full tilt performances, but reckon the acoustic versions show just what bloody good songs they are.
  • Neale
    1 year ago
    Jimmy Hendrix, Red House. It’s on youtube.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Quoting obisteve on 20 Dec 2023 10:24 AMedited: 20 Dec 2023 10:36 AM

    I moved over 2 1/2 years ago now, but still haven't fully unpacked a shipping container. Went ratting through it today looking for some old friends, pulled out a couple of tubs of cds, found this one. The Angels were one of the great bands of their time, I've danced to them when straight, drunk and drug fucked, loved to watch them play, parked the bike outside the venue and always rode it home or wherever I was going afterwards.

    Doc Neeson was one of the great frontmen and killer songwriter.
    Here he revisits his old songs with love.
    Sorry, there's no crowd to add the real chorus, so you're gonna have to shout it out yourself, you know you want to.

    That gives me goosebumps, I have never heard it played that way before.....I don't know how I missed it, far fucking out!
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Mad bugga, got em rocking in the shed, tech good for something at least