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  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    Quoting Neale on 22 Dec 2023 02:15 AM

    Jimmy Hendrix, Red House. It’s on youtube.

    Bugga, you missed out by 3 weeks! Amongst the 2 cartons of cds my late son in law posted up in his final couple of months was one that had 16 versions of Jimmi playing Red House. Now I like the song but was never gonna play it through more than once. I would have happily sent it to you but I gave it to my ex step son when he visited 3 weeks ago.
  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    Quoting obisteve on 20 Dec 2023 10:24 AMedited: 20 Dec 2023 10:36 AM

    I moved over 2 1/2 years ago now, but still haven't fully unpacked a shipping container. Went ratting through it today looking for some old friends, pulled out a couple of tubs of cds, found this one. The Angels were one of the great bands of their time, I've danced to them when straight, drunk and drug fucked, loved to watch them play, parked the bike outside the venue and always rode it home or wherever I was going afterwards.

    Doc Neeson was one of the great frontmen and killer songwriter.
    Here he revisits his old songs with love.
    Sorry, there's no crowd to add the real chorus, so you're gonna have to shout it out yourself, you know you want to.

    Quoting Grease Monkey on 22 Dec 2023 06:20 AM

    That gives me goosebumps, I have never heard it played that way before.....I don't know how I missed it, far fucking out!

    Doc only did the one acoustic album, in 2006, with a very small pressing run of cds. I only found it by chance in an opshop. Unhooking a song you really like from its full band performance, stripping it back to the bone, let's you appreciate the songs strength to stand by itself.
    Works for Nirvana too, their Unplugged album has some stand-up tracks.
    Also, I really like the Velvet Undergrounds music, and much of Lou Reeds output after they folded, but this one done by Cowboy Junkies is like slow motion sex. After he heard it, Lou Reed reckoned it was the way the song should be played

  • beaglebasher
    1 year ago
    Keep em coming GM and obi.
    Are youse sure youse are Queenslanders?
    If I knew how to do it I would but I dont. Anybody know how to play the song Waltzing Matilda by the Pouges ?
  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    Are you really sure you want me to keep going Beags?  I have some very strange musical tastes. And about other things too I suppose.
    Uncle Lucius was great GM, hadn't heard of him.
    And now, just for you Beags, here's Nico, the German singer with the Terminator eyes, and voice, who sang with the Velvet Underground in the late 60s, and went downhill from there. 
    I still would have liked to have been at this club performance.

  • beaglebasher
    1 year ago
    Good onya mate.
  • obisteve
    1 year ago

    Spent most of the day in the shed working on my old backup generator for my off grid solar at Obi, 5.5 kW 10 hp Honda clone motor, with a stuck compression release. Needed music so took a cd player over there, kept Oz bands playing all day. This one's a beauty, didn't realise the video was so good until I went looking on YouTube. This blokes having a bad day.
  • markwoumla
    1 year ago
    Was just surfing the net for songs etc.... Thought I'd listen to this oldie....
    I liked the old tune,,,, But ,,, the babe in the vid took me back to the good old days,,,,What a stunner !!!!!
    Ah,, the days when you didnt need the blue pill !!!!
    Only older guys can comment !!!!
  • obisteve
    11 months

    Had a rainy day the other day, storms missed us, just gentle rain. Sat out on the verandah, watching the rain and playing music, still haven't worked through my son in laws bequest, about 350 cds. Found this one, which stuck in my mind, but had me going, But it's only half a song!
    Went looking around online, found a more extensive version from the bloke who first sang it, Dave Bromberg, then tracked it back to a poem from a 19th century writer from the American frontier. More than you probably wanted to know, but a good tune about a drover gone bad.
    Dunno why it hit me hard, maybe the line about "I'll never forget the miles we rode", and a bloke coming to a bad end a long way from home.

  • bloodog
    11 months
    Great song, true story, Mark Knopfler, James Taylor. 
    This song was co written by Mark and James and is about two English surveyors who went to America and established the borders between Pennsylvania and Maryland, Delaware and Virginia in the 1760s. This later became known as the Mason Dixon line ,the border between the Southern and Northern States.
  • bloodog
    10 months
  • bloodog
    10 months
    just been watching a show on the box and this song came on, reminded me of my parents, and there era. Anyway maybe it dose the same to you 
  • B0nes
    9 months
    Quoting bloodog on 17 Apr 2024 11:24 AM

    just been watching a show on the box and this song came on, reminded me of my parents, and there era. Anyway maybe it dose the same to you 

    Brings back memories. Growing up on cattle stations in the early 70's and going for rides in the truck with the old man. Old man's nickname was Buck also. Would hear this and Slim on the tape deck while on the road.
  • Baloffski
    9 months
    Quoting obisteve on 26 Dec 2023 11:23 PMedited: 26 Dec 2023 11:44 PM

    Are you really sure you want me to keep going Beags?  I have some very strange musical tastes. And about other things too I suppose.

    Uncle Lucius was great GM, hadn't heard of him.
    And now, just for you Beags, here's Nico, the German singer with the Terminator eyes, and voice, who sang with the Velvet Underground in the late 60s, and went downhill from there. 
    I still would have liked to have been at this club performance.

    Good shit you guys. Talking about Nico, Lou Reed. Hey remember Phil Manzanera, and .. 801 Live, Patty,  thought of some more cool 70' music you"d member, but just  forgot,  musta been acidic times gone bye. Keep em coming now can play em via hearing aids.
    Thanks for remembering Blokes.
  • obisteve
    9 months
    New stuff from the last Knifefighter, looks like a new album.
  • Neale
    9 months
    The Cruel Sea.
    Too fast for me.👍
  • obisteve
    8 months
    Julie Miller, 2 Soldiers