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What fuel?

  • Wideglider
    3 years ago
    Quoting beaglebasher on 15 Jun 2020 12:52 PM

    Don't know what you mean by that soapy. Does  the  book mention  anything about  ethanol  blended fuels?

    Quoting Jay-Dee on 16 Jun 2020 12:08 AMedited: 16 Jun 2020 12:14 AM

    Hey beagle, Australian fuels are measured in Research Octane Number (RON) so 95 (premium) going by Soapboxes post and RossW's above.

    American fuels are measured in Research + Motor octane (R+M)/2 so their 91 is equivalent to our 95, and their 93 is equivalent to our 98. Motor octane is typically lower than research, I hope this helps.


    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 16 Jun 2020 10:31 AM

    So where is our fuel made now?

    also what things can lower the octane?

    Octane rating can reduce if you store fuel for too long.
  • Jay-Dee
    3 years ago
    Quoting beaglebasher on 15 Jun 2020 12:52 PM

    Don't know what you mean by that soapy. Does  the  book mention  anything about  ethanol  blended fuels?

    Quoting Jay-Dee on 16 Jun 2020 12:08 AMedited: 16 Jun 2020 12:14 AM

    Hey beagle, Australian fuels are measured in Research Octane Number (RON) so 95 (premium) going by Soapboxes post and RossW's above.

    American fuels are measured in Research + Motor octane (R+M)/2 so their 91 is equivalent to our 95, and their 93 is equivalent to our 98. Motor octane is typically lower than research, I hope this helps.


    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 16 Jun 2020 10:31 AM

    So where is our fuel made now?

    also what things can lower the octane?

    As far as I know we blend fuels here but what we use is imported from overseas. The actual content of different fuels for their higher or lower octane ratings I don't know I'm sorry.

    As Wideglider said fuel can deteriorate if left for too long and that's not very long at all these days. I've had some really horrible looking brownish mud (that started life as BP Ultimate) come out of a couple of fuel tanks in both cars and motorbikes that I left sitting for years.
  • beaglebasher
    3 years ago
    I dont know for sure where our fuel is made now Krash but a lot of it is  refined in Singapore.
    The Aussie government has just announced they have improved our fuel security situation.
    They have made an agreement with the yanks to store 30 days worth of fuel. Guess where?
    Texas !   Why the fuck dont we store that fuel somewhere in Australia?  Dont we have enough space?

  • Baloffski
    3 years ago
    bb , we all know the best fuel was cocoa... I digress, again.
    Any way,  fuel that gets your bike humming is the go, trial and error, we have such a vareity of juice, to use, if not cool, change to another option.
    As a shooter, when things do not feel like on the mark, not due to old shit , but component added, bullets, pill size, powder weight, etc etc ,change and try something else?