thundermax auto

  • cattleprod
    17 years ago
    Mark and Linda (MandM) chrissy sale on soon. Tmax GenII w-auto tune US$695.00 less US$30.00. Friggin bargain.
  • GREG
    17 years ago
    Thundermax Auto on its way.

  • Magilla
    17 years ago

    Any comments? Has this been corrected yet?

    Special Note Regarding ThunderMax for 2008 Models:

    The ThunderMax with AuotTune (#309-360) works on 2008 model Dyna® and Softail® models, and #309-365 for 2008 Sportsters®; however, the ‘Low Fuel Light’ and ‘Distance To Empty’ functions do not function under the current firmware platform. This will be corrected in a future firmware release; in the meantime, you must rely on the fuel gauge to monitor fuel level on the above mentioned motorcycles equipped with ThunderMax.

    ThunderMax for 2008 Touring models with Drive-By-Wire throttle is currently under development. At this time, no release date is available.

  • cattleprod
    17 years ago
    Mine should be here early next week, i'm sure i will need to pick some brains.
  • cattleprod
    17 years ago
    Just an update on Tmax. Installed new caliber 2:1 system. K&N filter and new Tmax w-auto tune.
    Set it up as per the destructions (All 158 pages). Map selection etc pretty bloody easy to do.
    Uploaded Map, started bike 2 x for 10 secs. Cool down and started bike till head temp came up to 285 F, stopped bike.
    Again let the engine cool down completely, bolt all the bits n shits back together, cable tie front sensor harness to bottom frame rail.
    Start bike, smooth idle not near as lumpy as stock, mut on and go... Very smooth. Noticable difference in sound (The calibers work)
    Did about 3k let the bike cool down, did about 6k same thing. Ride with the mates this sunday.
  • cattleprod
    17 years ago
    Went for our Sunday ride, friggin 30 odd degrees and in ya face. Got outta town and into some good cruising country.
    The Calibers sound awesome at cruise speeds, open her up for an overtake etc and they really bark. T-max impressions
    so far: Idle is good, throttle response better than stock (Over all rev ranges). Still get a deceleration pop and crackle though.
    Where most noticable response comes into its own is through good sweepers (120+ K) using throtttle to keep line tight.
    From there, a change of direction ie: left hander into a right hander using throttle and a gear change, to power out of.
    So far i am impressed. Need to frig around abit to piss the decel pops and farts off.
    17 years ago

    Decel Fuel Cut  0 turns it of

    1 turns it on , workt 4 me :)

  • cattleprod
    17 years ago
    sent you an email scotty.
  • GREG
    17 years ago

    Fitted the T/Max Auto today. Reasonabley straight forward install. Will post up some pics of one of the hassels tommorow.

    How did you guys find the length of the wide band O2 sensor for the front cylinder? I would have liked about 50 - 100mm more length to aid in easier routing. Roadtrain and I had a look and decided to go through the battery box for the leads. No need to remove the connectors or the rear guard. Looks neat and tidey.

    I had some computer problems (Vista ---- hassels, now sorted). My laptop wpould not read my serial port adaptor due to me fucking up the install of the driver. RT went and got his laptop which we had loaded my software and loaded up the map, set up all the good stuff (07 speedo, 6th gear light etc), initialised the system and done the start up for 10 sec twice, then the start up and warm up to normal operating temp.

    Right from the get go the bike started easily and the idle was smooth. I went for a ride tonight and was very happy with the base map selected. No poping on decelaration and ran very well. I can't wait until Auto tune has done its thing fully.

    In a nut shell, happy with how the T/max fits on the softail but it could be better and very happy with the outcome of the tunning so far and I think it will only get better.


  • Gav
    17 years ago
    Hey Greg,
    Fitted my tmax on sunday just gone and routed the same as u through the battery compartment. Front cylinder 02 lead only just reached and ended up with the joiner plugs down along the main frame rail. I think a good idea wld be to cover them with hratshrink to keep out possible dirt n rain etc.
  • cattleprod
    17 years ago
    Heatshrink works a treat, that and a cupla cable ties.
  • GREG
    17 years ago

    hanks for the feedback. I thought there may have been an error with mine. The heat shrink sounds good. I used cable ties to pull the connection up just forward of the gearbox cover and away from the balance pipe. Rode to work today, still happy with how its going.

    17 years ago

    just remember guys its the amount of time you get it heated up{245+} n cooled down as not so much the ks u do to tune it

  • GREG
    17 years ago
    Cheers Mick, thats the plan. Ride to work get it up to temp, let it cool then ride home. Maximise the learning.
    17 years ago

     its the best $ ive ever spent , on the way to the toy run i draged a firestorm think its called , the mates in a car behind said gee u blow lots of black smoke when ya plant it :) good its working how it should

    17 years ago

    running great mate :) had mine checkt b4 they built it , they ended up checking all this gear on it , not real sure what but all was ok

  • Gav
    17 years ago
    thanx Mick pity its so damn wet n shitty today or id be out now---))))
    17 years ago

    yep nothink worse than watching the missus clean ur bike after riding in the rain
