Info on getting your wires down through the bars

  • BlackDragon
    17 years ago

    Have been looking for the best way to get the wires plumbed internally through the bars.

    I read an artical where they used compressed air to blow cord/String through but have come across this pic from Wild1 on geting the wires though.


    Thought may put up so other people who may be interested to see.


  • BlackDragon
    17 years ago

     Well I got the cables down the bars.

    I tried to get string/wire down the bars using air compressor/ vacuum cleaner and a combination of both.

    I decided to just take the bars off and it then only took 30 secs to get the string through with a wait on the end.

    It was then a much easier job having the bars lay flat to tread the wires through.

    Bars all back on now wired up and actually worked.

    Front Blinkes relocated to bottom triple tree.

    Chrome switches and control on with my Chrome and Rubber handgrips.

    Diamond back cables in. ( they got crossed over when I put them in so will need to take out one and straighten up later)


    I am very happy that the procces is now over. It has been interesting and I have been putting it off but at least i now have a very tidy and chromed bars and controls.My young son helped during the proccess and made a lot of thins easier and a couple more difficult but was good to do with him as well.