Online: Hilly, softfat


  • mattro11
    17 years ago

    I duct tape it to the 'bar clamp.

    Rough but effective.............

    Make sure it's white side up or it won't work.



  • mattro11
    17 years ago

    I'm hearin' ya Wozza, and to think they charge us a whole 70cents, thats gotta go a long way towards revenue......mmmm....70cents....mmmmm


  • wildgoose71
    17 years ago

    No E-tags, no tollways and no worries.


  • wildgoose71
    17 years ago

    There are no tolls in WA...

    17 years ago

    if ya ride a street bob i no ya can put ur hand over the plate as ya go through a toll , well it works with the nsw speed cameras the bugger put in the middle of nowhere

  • Paul.C
    17 years ago

    I have a e tag for the car and you can link as many number plates as you want to the account, so on the bike I don't have to have the tag as the number plate is regestered. Problem solved

  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    most of our cameras over here are front facing

    17 years ago

    when i was in nsw , they were saying that they dont take front pics no more because of being sued , somthink to do with getting the speeding pic and ur missus seeing another woman in ur car, we sorta proved it in coffs , went through one face on at over 150ks and no flash

    17 years ago

    bugger , this was in coffs