The Joy of Bee Stings

  • Mega!
    17 years ago

    After seeing Uncle Ho's posting about being stung in the gut I thought I'd share a few photo's from last summer when I copped a bee at roughly 120 clicks on the freeway...........

  • Mega!
    17 years ago

    shoot, they're big pics!! Here's the final one! This is the morning after!!!

  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    looks painfull.....

    No pics of mine..... too scary!!!!

    Where's your pic Rocket?

  • Magilla
    17 years ago

  • Harleyglide
    17 years ago

    This is exactly why I where a full face helmet all the time, although I still manage to get stung every now and again.

    I,m alergic to the little buggers and swell up far more than any of those pics.

    When I get stung I have to go straight to hospital and get a shot of anti hystemine to stop the swelling.

  • Rocket
    17 years ago

    Two different times.

    The first one near my left temple, couldnt open my eye for three days.

    The second one just under my right eye, same effect.

    My only consolation was that the bee's day ended much worse than mine

  • Rocket
    17 years ago
    I've got a pair of mxgoggles with a face shield clipped underneath that I am trying out when i go on country runs. I'll see how that goes.
  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    hey Crasher.....  made my day... thanks mate

  • Mega!
    17 years ago

    I usually have a pack of Telfast or Zyrtec with me if doing country rides for the antihystamine in case of stings.

    I have only been seriously stung once when I rode through a swarm of bees on the Tonkin Hwy............13 stings later

    Being asthmatic it wasn't a good experience and I was spewing my work mates didn't have a camera as I had welts from head to toe!

    The day after the sting (in the photos) was the worst as I was very light sensitive and even with sunnies & a cap on I was trying to shield my eyes with my hands when my ex was driving us to the local pool for a dip with her kidlette. I could only head home after sundown! I have to make sure I get all the sting out so I whack on a poultice to draw or the crap out or it lasts for days!

    The little buggers hey?

  • Magilla
    17 years ago

    I must live in the right end of Australia.

    European bees only made it out here to Kakadu a few years ago ('bout the same time as them pesky cane toads)

    They're few and far between. Tell you the truth I can't remember the last time I spotted a bee. What we do have are wasps about 25mm long and the weight of a marble (sound good when you wack em with a length of 2 b 2 ) They have a sting the size of a shotgun barrel.  They don't sting once! They keep on stinging until you stop them.

    Experienced my first fat lip 2 weeks ago from one of them blighters having a head on with me at 130km/h. No sting involved.

    I ride with an open face half helmet due to the temp up here. The best bit of kit I purchased was the quick release windscreen. No bugs, rain, wind pressure. Best thing for combatting the elements on long rides I reckon.

    Always wear long shorts to the shop rt.