A baffle fell out of my new Hooker Troublemakers, Will this do any damage while i wait to get another one ? Can anyone recomend somewhere to get a pair ?
Thanks Jason
So whats it sound like? Sorry, but someone was allways gunna ask
Damage?, what engine managment are you using. eg.Tmax WITH autotune should just about look after it I think but don't know for sure.
Best whip the other one out and use heaps of twist on the grip just to keep things even during the meantime
Deadly, Its F$%^&&*ing loud, My ears were ringing after 5 min ride to work (very deep sound). I have no efi managment systyem ,Is this a problem ? I think i will take the other one out if it wont do any damage i will just have to push it down the road and around the corner to start .